New humble bundle 9

I saw that too.
I already have Brutal Legend.... the bundle is worth it for that Title alone!
But Trine 2 looks good.
The other two just don't do anything for me.
I just tried FEZ, it's a real good plateform game. Really nicely designed and less "low tech" than you may think.

I also tried faster than light, since this game is a very well known indie game too. I just started the tutorial. Seems really interesting. I don't know the ninja game.

THe balance between "big" 3d games like brutal legend, Trine2 and the more "old fashioned indie flavoured" games is really good, in my opinion.

I'll see more of all these games tommorow. Now It's late and I had a big day !
Yeah, I like different styles for games too. Just depends on the game. I still can't resist a beautiful realistic Skyrim game.
But at the same time I still like an interesting toon-shaded game too.
have a good night!
A really good Humble bundle release number, in my opinion. It reminds me (quality speaking) of HB 5, with great 3d games like amnesia and Psykonauts, but also indie 2d jewels like Bastion, Limbo, or Sword and sorcery.

As a retrogaming enthusiast, all kinds of games possibly interest me. As I posted in another topic, I continue playing my goold old 20years old gameboy, after

Can't wait to see the probable next games wich will be added too !
I'm one of those guys who really benefits from gaming because I like so many genre's. My favorites will always be Action & RPG but these are game types I enjoy:
  • FPS
  • RPG
  • Action/Adventure
  • Puzzle/Hidden Treasure
  • Tycoon/God Mgmt
  • Racing
I'm really liking the Action games where you are free to roam and discover the entire map/level like Just Cause, Assassin's Creed, etc.
Watch Dogs really looks incredible!
I do like some retro games but so many of them are horrible platform games.
I will always love the old FPS:
  • Doom
  • Hexen
  • Heretic
  • Duke Nukem 3D
  • Blood
  • Quake
I have those on all of my computers just-in-case
I tried more games in the last humble bundle, there's a nice casual puzzle game, Mark of Ninja is a great game too, probably the suprise for me with Faster than Light.

Brutal Legend, FEZ and Trine2 are great, but I knew that before buying them. But FTL and Mark of Ninja are great suprises.

Speaking of FEZ, this game is really one of the best plateformers I played in years.

Now that my computer is (almost) up to date, I can play a lot of native games. I even uninstalled the testing windows drive I was using. The funny thing is that I don't use Windows anymore since 2006, I reinstalled it for gaming on a 2nd drive a few weeks ago, and finally I removed it again. Give me a mac or a linux PC with a mainstream distro on it, but windows is definitly behind me I'm afraid.

I guess also that my posts and topics here will probably be more focused on native (and steam) games now.
Awesome, Glad you are enjoying these bundled games.
I'm assuming you downloaded the Linux version of Brutal Legend?
It ran perfectly for me... no issues whatsoever.

I hope you will continue trying non Linux PC games with PlayOnLinux too.
The Majority of PC games are...
Concerning Brutal, no problem at all. The game runs perfectly natively.

Concerning POL, I'll do ! I really like Path of Exile, and I hope I'll find a way to reinstall it. At worst, I can use the POL official install. The only thing annoying me is the font bug (wich is something known from some other players too). The FPS were good, with all maxed I was at about 50-60fps if I remember correctly.

I'm not sure I'll play other MMOrpgs. They are too time consuming. I've got other hobbies (like I said on another topic), and I prefer to play 5games a week than one game a year, if you see what I mean.

Concerning the bundle, I've got one problem I think, if anyone own Mark of Ninja, it seems that my character is always running. Using the keyboard or the xbox 360 controller, same result. Running is noisy, so enemies detects me easily. I thought it was weird so I watched youtube vids, it seems that their characters are walking normally, and running on demand.
Agreed, I actually spend more time testing games in PlayOnLinux than actually playing them. Well then again, I have to PLAY them to test them, but you know what I mean...
I have several other hobbies I work on too, so Its hard to get a large game going like Skyrim. I actually got it last December and have yet to install it.
I would love to play more Neverwinter, Drakensang and Path of Exile, but they are way too time consuming. I'll never finish them.
So I play casually. I kinda wish Path of Exile was more like Drakensang... like when you travel about, you can help other players fight minions and monsters. In Path of Exile, I'm completely by myself unless I join a Group. It would just make the game more dynamic. Neverwinter does a great job at this too, you can go about your quest, or randomly help other people playing.

Mark of Ninja - I'm assuming you check the options for run/walk controls.
Agreed, I actually spend more time testing games in PlayOnLinux than actually playing them. Well then again, I have to PLAY them to test them, but you know what I mean...

That's the point, even if I enjoy our chatting here, I'd want to focus myself on native workin out of box games a bit :D
yes please do and it would be nice to have some guides on installing/configuring/playing native games too.
Are you interested in doing some guides?
I can make reviews and explain how I did, yes. But as you may noticed, my knowledge is limited. For example, Faster than light, I can't play it thru Steam, so I 'm using it from the direct download archive. It's working, BUT I don't know how to create a launch icon in the ubuntu unity dock (even reading the documentation) :D
No problem... in time I think you will figure it out.
Hell, it took me over a year to get comfortable enough to actually create tutorials for PlayOnLinux. I'm not even doing it the "easiest" way, but it makes the most sense.

I even figured out how to add buttons to the Mint menu... which can be a pain!

I have Ubuntu 12.04 on my netbook, so I can help you figure some of this stuff out.
I didn't realize Faster Than Light was on Steam... cool.

I had the same problem with native Linux games too.. normally I'll use the Terminal to launch them, but it would be nice to have a simple shortcut and an icon.
Humble bundle 9 FTL is on steam, BUT it's not working. Same for mark of the ninja with my xbox controller, it believe that the character is always running. These bugs are known, but not fixed for now, as far as I know.

Concerning shortcuts, on ubuntu 10.04lts (I'm using only LTS versions), making a shortcut, even with custom icon was easy (using the documentation).

Now on unity ubuntu 12.04lts, it's not that easy, even with documentation. I tried to create a FTL launcher, with no result.

I'll post a request on official forum, and come back here.
Looks like you will have to use the Terminal

sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/Aptana.desktop

Then enter this information, but make necessary changes to your game executable and icon

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Programming IDE

Now look for it under applications.
I tried it on my netbook and it worked for me. I made a launcher to Gish and it appears on my applications.
Then I could drag-n-drop it to my dashboard.

Ubuntu's got the same method, but graphical. The issue is that it seems to not work with scripts, only "real" execs.

I tried it with real execs, it's working. Not the scripts. But I'm pretty sure it's possible, since in the past I made a shortcut with custom icon for special City of Heroes wine launcher python script.
Nope, on FTL (humble bundle version at least), when you download the game in the HB library, you obtain a folder, with some files in it, especially a launchable script. It's the way you launch the game; the game doesn't have a real exec file. An exec file (or even a command) can be used to create a shortcut (your terminal method or any graphical method using a GUI); but it appears (for me at least) more difficult to make a shortcut (= to put it in ubuntu Unity dock, for example) from a script.

Concerning city of heroes, the way to play it when it was online, was to use a python script provided by a Wine user on the wine appdb game page. I remember I was able to create a shortcut from this script, with a custom icon I took from the windows version. But at this time I was using ubuntu 10.04 (gnome).

EDIT : it appears that the steam version of the game has been fixed. The game is currently downloaded !

It's why Steam is a great tool for noobs like me. I'm probably one of the few "real" Linux users using Linux like other people are using OSX, if you see what I mean.

edit2 : the game is working, problem solved. Now the last one is concerning Mark of ninja, but referring the game editor forum, it's a known problem, and they are working on a solution.