Notification of replies to your threads


Staff member
Email notifications of thread replies are disabled for all accounts by default.

But, if you would like to get notifications via email, then all you need do is enable it in your account preferences.

  1. Hover over your member name at the top right of the page.
  2. Click preferences.
  3. Check: Automatically watch threads that you create or when you reply...
    and check: and receive email notifications of replies
Now you will be sent an email each time someone replies to your thread, or any thread you have posted to.
thank you, I've been wondering why I havn't been getting any notifications.
There must have been a system change because I was getting them.
Maybe the update reverted the setting?
AFAIK, it has always been disabled. But, you may have enabled it for specific threads (which is the other option).
I'm still not getting all of my notifications.
I check the site every day and click "new posts" to see the new replies.
But I don't get those via email. Not sure why.
They aren't in my junk folder either.

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I had a rule in Gmail that "starred" all emails from
I deleted it, lets see if that fixes the problem
The page you posted above isn't the page Dan is referring to; that is the 'alert preferences' page, not the general preferences. You are referring to email notifications, right? Then you are in the wrong place.

Maybe you already know that, but in case you don't... :)
Everything is checked on "Browsing Preferences" is there anywhere else that has notification options?
Brian, go to Dan's post and follow his 1,2,3 instructions carefully. I'm pretty sure that you didn't follow #2.
Sure did.
I do get notification, but not all of them. Now I'm getting more...
My filter was "starring" the emails from and not putting them in my inbox.
That should be the culprit.