OMG! We don't have a post count!


Chief BBS Administrator
Staff member
Everyone stop posting! It doesn't count! LOL

I can tell you from experience how highly membership values seeing their post count.Any one remember what happened when I suggested We didn't need it? Kablewey!
OMG...We lost our post count!

We also only have the tool bar image insert... I can't seem to get my images to give me a short I don't know how to upload images.
Whats up with no post count?
How am I supposed to know how cool I am?
Maybe you shouldn't answer that...
Looks GREAT! Thanks ThunderRd!
Now if we could change the "girly" color scheme of the site
Boo, I think you and Danrok need to get together and have a pow-wow. Between the two of you, I suspect you could come up with some interesting stuff.
sure, but I suspect that he is too busy.
I can also create 3D modeled characters for our icons...
Photoshop can do some interesting 3D effects too... spice things up
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