Save Post


Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming
Staff member
I havn't seen any options to save my post before publishing...
So I was wondering if there would be a way to integrate a "save" capability so I can start a post and finish it later?
They hide it at the top of the post window...right above "Reply to thread"


  • Screenshot from 2013-07-09 18:25:45.png
    Screenshot from 2013-07-09 18:25:45.png
    173 KB · Views: 1,095
AFAIK, there isn't a way to save a 'draft' copy of a post, although there might be a plugin for it.

Daniel~, you're confusing Boo's thread title for the nonexistent 'save post' option.
we like your profound train-of-though... always makes us think!

Gizzi - should I look for a plugin or do you want to do it?
Apparently Xenforo 1.2 has integrated a "save draft" feature.
What version are we running?

Also, XF 1.1's editor (which is based on TinyMCE) in Xenforo 1.2 has a built-in save drafts feature
Ah, so maybe we can upgrade in the future and inherit this wonderful save draft function?
forgive my ignorance.. how some ever as we had to buy this software why didn't we get the newest..."Don't hit me!" ":O}
Good question... maybe 1.2 wasn't stable yet... it might have been "beta"
But when we decide to upgrade, we will have the fancy save draft feature
1.2 is still beta, and I'm not installing beta software on the live forum without good reason.
Yes, are we going to try it?
Hopefully it won't break anything...
We aren't running any special plugins so that won't be a problem...
We are running XenPorta, but there's been an update to that already, so it shouldn't be an issue. I'm hoping to get it installed this weekend.
That would be awesome!
Why the heck didn't I get notified of your reply?