Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong category and/or if this has already been posted somewhere else on the forum.
Background: In my adventures related to this, I was exploring on how to get my weaker laptop to run Fallout 3. I upgraded to Zorin 16 and found that none of my games were launching. Then I found this and this.
Upshot: This helped me launch my games again. For any OpenGL issues due to Mesa incompatibility, use this in the POL console (Tools -> POL console):
On a somewhat related note, some time back I had problems with getting Call of Duty 1 to run. I had to set environment variables for that which I did with Wine. The error was "buffer overrun". If anyone has a similar problem, the environment variables for that were one of the following (I can't remember which one of the two):
Hope this helps.
Background: In my adventures related to this, I was exploring on how to get my weaker laptop to run Fallout 3. I upgraded to Zorin 16 and found that none of my games were launching. Then I found this and this.
Upshot: This helped me launch my games again. For any OpenGL issues due to Mesa incompatibility, use this in the POL console (Tools -> POL console):
POL_Shortcut_InsertBeforeWine "shortcutname" 'environment variable'
Example: POL_Shortcut_InsertBeforeWine "FalloutLauncher" 'export MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=4.4'
On a somewhat related note, some time back I had problems with getting Call of Duty 1 to run. I had to set environment variables for that which I did with Wine. The error was "buffer overrun". If anyone has a similar problem, the environment variables for that were one of the following (I can't remember which one of the two):
env __GL_ExtensionStringVersion=17700
Hope this helps.