Just through normal wine. I installed steam in wine, applied the packages I listed earlier, started steam and let it download the client and updates, and installed skyrim in steam through normal wine. No pol, no winetricks, no cedega, no nothing. Just normal wine. Otwer games like balmurs gate 2 enhanced edition and deus ex run fine. Skyrim is the only game I have issues with.
By the way, I learned two new things just by reading your posts! Thanks
Also, Aremis... you aren't stupid at all. Just because you didn't know something doesn't make you stupid.

I think stupid is more like "I don't want to know how" and continue doing the same thing over and over.

Back to the audio...
Try installing some windows libraries like xaudio or xinput
I have a feeling that Skyrim uses some other kind of DirectX library for audio.
Well, how exactly are you running the game? Is it through PlayOnLinux (usually they have a debug.log)
I think there is either a switch to output debug in Wine or it just automatically outputs in the console... not sure cause I only use PlayOnLinux
Just through normal wine. I installed steam in wine, applied the packages I listed earlier, started steam and let it download the client and updates, and installed skyrim in steam through normal wine. No pol, no winetricks, no cedega, no nothing. Just normal wine. Otwer games like balmurs gate 2 enhanced edition and deus ex run fine. Skyrim is the only game I have issues with.

Ok. So I take that you are running it from a menu/shortcut then?

Run the command in terminal, it will give you a long long output of things:
$ wine path_to_executable

more practical, do:

$ wine Steam.exe -no-dwrite &> debug.log

This will create a file called "debug.log" copy/paste the contents here. For those interested &> among other "operators" are redirections.

Anyway, I'm expecting the log to be really big since you gotta run Steam first then Skyrim later...
How are you playing Skyrim without Steam?

Wine is now compatible with Pulseaudio starting with Wine 1.7.55 and newer
So definitely try those to see if sound works
How are you playing Skyrim without Steam?

Wine is now compatible with Pulseaudio starting with Wine 1.7.55 and newer
So definitely try those to see if sound works
By not buying it from Steam?

Thanks for the tip, will look it up. I get a little music as it loads the main menu then it cuts out.
[12/16/15 23:29:10] - Running wine-1.8-rc2 TESV.exe (Working directory : /home/.../.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Skyrim/drive_c/Program Files/TSEV Skyrim LE)
fixme:pulse:AudioRenderClient_GetBuffer 0x15f6b0 Not using pulse locked data: 0 4093/4800 0/4800
err:eek:le:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded

Then loads of these:
fixme:d3d:wined3d_check_device_format_conversion wined3d 0x167950, adapter_idx 0, device_type WINED3D_DEVICE_TYPE_HAL, src_format WINED3DFMT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM, dst_format WINED3DFMT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM stub!

Where is the post Edit option?
Last edited by a moderator:
I fixed up your post for you, Jenshae. I've also promoted you so that you should be able to edit your posts.
I used to add xaudio2_6 as a dll override in winecfg to get the voices and sound to work but I think they fixed that in the newer versions of wine.
I used to add xaudio2_6 as a dll override in winecfg to get the voices and sound to work but I think they fixed that in the newer versions of wine.
Not working either. Tried it with dmusic, dsound, dsynth, dwave and such installed and removed.
The frustrating thing is that it loads the sound when the Bethesda logo displays then as soon as it hits the main menu it cuts out.
By not buying it from Steam?

Thanks for the tip, will look it up. I get a little music as it loads the main menu then it cuts out.
I thought the only store selling Skyrim was Steam?

Anyways, your debug shows "not using pulse locked data"
fixme:pulse:AudioRenderClient_GetBuffer 0x15f6b0 Not using pulse locked data: 0 4093/4800 0/4800

Not exactly sure what that means, but it might point you in the right direction
I thought the only store selling Skyrim was Steam?
Assuming that I bought it recently.
It is possible to have Skyrim without Steam, however, in his video (horrible quality, be warned) I quickly saw Steam icons. Mine has nothing to do with Steam at all.

Anyways, your debug shows "not using pulse locked data"
Not exactly sure what that means, but it might point you in the right direction
Still looking into this but have shelved Skyrim for awhile, playing mostly Wurm and EVE.

Oh, just to mention, also had problems with mods, like skin mods were not showing faces, get a face mod, still nothing, no texture on faces, just a skin colour.
Got SKSE and SKYUI to help and get mods that need this but managed to break NMM as soon as I installed them.
Haven't added any other mods and the game does still run (without sound)
I wouldn't trust the razor installer or crack
We also don't encourage or support anyone using cracks for games.

I'm guessing the problems you are experiencing are directly related to using Skyrim without Steam.
Steam will deliver updates and patches for Skyrim, but without it your game is considered an old version and may not support many mods.

If you want Skyrim to work correctly, specially in Linux, I suggest using Steam.

The only time I have used cracks for games is when the DRM makes the game completely unplayable in Linux, but this is for personal use only. All of the Guides here at GamersOnLinux are crack free.
I wouldn't trust the razor installer or crack
We also don't encourage or support anyone using cracks for games..
It is not a crack. It is an old DVD. Apparently, I can add it to Steam but I don't agree with running an extra unnecessary process.

1.9.3 Wine sound resolved on its own. Bit faint on max sound but it is there.

Thank you all for so much for all the help and suggestions.

(Now ... if I can just get the mod manager to work ... (It broke when I added SKSE(which works and the game runs))). :p
Really? I have the DVD as well and it automatically installs Steam and installs Skyrim from the DVD into Steam. So I don't know how you got a non-Steam version of Skyrim... very strange.

No problem! Always here to help
Really? ... So I don't know how you got a non-Steam version of Skyrim... very strange. ...
Yeah, I got it from a main gaming chain ... but not finding a mention of this batch of DVDs online. I know that when Skyrim splashed down fully; Steam did become mandatory and I did find a Youtube video at the time saying how I can install from my disc, add it to Steam and get the updates.
It installs with a very normal, Next, Next, Next, Finish. Then I would open Steam and manually add it from there.
(Wine 1.9.3 also seems to have fixed my face textures from mods not loading)
Awesome, had no idea Bethseda released a non steam version. That is unique and kinda special release.
Glad you are able to run it now with Wine 1.9.3
Arch 2017.03.01[Kernel: 4.9.11] 64bit
Sound server
(pulseaudio or plain ALSA?)how do i identify my sound server?
WINE 2.0
WINE output after running Skyrimdoes this mean my error log?
Your video card GTX 980
new arch user, figured out workaround to wiki.archlinux guide
that works for UEFI firmware [the guide assigns 0700 not ef00]
installed current stable wine and installed steam in wine.
installed skyrim, accpeted requests for wine-gecko and wine-mono.
starting skyrim set the graphics to ultra-high by default.
pop-up - error: sound device not found. skyrim cannot start

unless absolutely necessary, would like to avoid arch wiki/forums.
asking for help there has only resulted in threats and warnings.