"The times have found us."


Chief BBS Administrator
Staff member
A small run down duplex is a part of our trailer park

Two days ago i learned that they have tested positive for covid-19..
Three trailers pulled up stakes and moved to another local park. i don't know that they fled covid, but it seems a reasonable guess.

All three of the departing trailers were occupied by very heavy drinkers over 60 who never followed a single guideline for survival in the time of co\vid.

Since the out break began Patti and i have kept our distance and enforced PPE

we are completely alone in our precautions. drunks never see the harm they do.

We are 35 miles from the nearest town. I haven't been within 25 feet of any save Patti.
She makes town around every two weeks to resupply us, She wears cloves , mask and Classes.
She is very consistences in this.

Yet many who have done as well have been tested positive. We have just given ourselves our best chance of survival.

Please make no mistake. We all of us are fighting for our survival..
to make the threat less in our own minds endangers us all.

consider, how long can it before we start running out of first responders?

we are no where near the end of our trials. We are entering the darkest time of our lives.
We WILL lose people we love and care about no matter how carefully we go forward.

But if we do not show every possible concern we will lose many ,many more.
There is no limit to the harm we can do ourselves if we refuse to act rationally and in accordance with what we know to be true.

I see no point in being angry at those to stupid to grasp the situation we are in.
In time illness and death will pound covid into their heads.into their friends and families.

Nor is there any reason to allow people within 25 feet of me. Most of the stupid will be fine.
As will most of us who take precautions.How many deaths are you comfortable causing.

25 feet will keep you free of blame. it may keep you free of covid as well.
i pray God that you will be,

"Girth yourselves for battle and let slip the dogs of war."

The enemy is not at the gates\ but comes home every day an innocent from school.
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Let me take this opportunity to thank the proven Mass Murderer that still lives in the White House for his deep compassion for all living things.

This foul sucking piece of the most noisome excrement found in history is doing his very best to subvert the will of the people and remain our President For Life. Such supreme selfishness must NOT be rewarded.

Yes, Biden and Harris won this election fair and square. But folks, please wake up and help counter the coup that IS in progress this very moment. Good hearted people don't take this ass pimple sucking sub hominid seriously. But the Fascist masses DO. They actually believe his horse feathers about the "stolen election."

Groups of gun toting dip chits screaming "Trump won this election!" could cause the rest of us a lot of grief.
Call me paranoid but The Trumpublican in Thief is egging them on.
George! Cool your jets! ":O}

Military intelligence maybe an oxymoron, but trust me that doesn't mean our military is stupid.
the trumpy thing scares the shit out of them.

he has told a room full of generals who could not see the brilliance of his idiocy morons and idiots.
He has called the sacred dead at Arlington suckers and losers.While standing next to the General whose son
had died in combat, at his son's very grave.

trumpypuke holds no mystery for them. they have fought trumshits all over the world.

Come Nov 3rd trupgarade will e taken out. i hoping we'll get to see the Us marshals bounce him,

he has zero means of holding onto power once Biden is sworn in. there is NO constitutional requirement that he agree, Or the he thinks it's fair. After Nov 3rd he is, as many before him have been made obsolete and no long holds an rains of power. Biden will be our commander in chief and the brass can hardly wait. in fact they are on alert
and watching his every move They expect treason in the form of selling national secrets and will brief Biden accordingly.

but yes, I expect Shitface to kill as many of us as he can until the 3rd.
I hope your prognosis becomes true. I'm so used to seeing the Trumpoholic screw us over in so many ways that I won't believe everything will be just fine. Until he rattles his last breath. What, me worry?
I think Trump is now beginning to see he has no chance of winning. The new gets through even the thickest of skulls eventually.
He becomes more of a laughing stock by the day. My worry is that he has NO sense of humor and his (Lord please help people become bigger hearted and less hateful) followers may be as stubbornly blind as he is.
i have spent the better part of my life praying for a change...in the hearts of men.
It must come or we will go .