Trading Games?


I have purchased another bundle of games. Some I will never play so I have an idea.
Have any of you considered trading? I have not thought all of this out yet but do think it is possible.
I'm guessing it will work because even though you claimed the key from humble bundle, the account the key is activated on is the final owner.

So, sure, I would love to try trading!!!
I need more strategy guides, so do you have any strategy games you want to trade?
I got this bundle.
I have activated Earth 2160 on Steam and plan on keeping Tropico. I don't think I'll want to keep Patrician IV, Jagged Alliance 2 - Wildfire and Restaurant Empire 2.
So maybe you scoop up something and we can trade keys.
We may be able to trade on Steam itself. I didn't get much time to read the details and conditions though.
Also, some bundle game offers as you know have both a Steam and Origin Serial. There could be some benefit there.
I'll think on it some.
Wow, that is a lot of games!!!
The only one I have is Numen: Contest of Heroes and its a pretty glitchy indie game.
I would be happy with any of them, to be honest.
But I don't have a whole lot of games online that I can trade. If Steam allows trading, then there are a few on my account that I wouldn't mind getting rid of. I've never actually tried though...

Do you get individual keys for every game?
Awesome, well then its down to what games do I want to get rid of that you want.
Tomorrow morning I'll list all the Steam games I'm willing to part with.
Thats cool, its kinda like an RPG game where you can trade with your team-mates.
Looks like only games purchased as GIFTS can be traded.
Once its activated by your account, it cannot be traded or sold.
Oh well...
You purchased that Origin Bundle correct?
Ok, nevermind... those are the only unactivated games I have.
I have a lot of Retail games too. Check my list of Games and if anything you like let me know.
I'll check if its a Steam game (yes, a few of the retail are still Steam) and I can mail it to you as a trade.
I happen to have 3 games to gift in Steam. You probably already have them but let me know if you don't:
  • Half-Life 2
  • Half-Life 2: Episode One
  • The Ship
I don't have Half-Life or The Ship. The trade wouldn't be even. I got all my games for pocket change so not a good deal for you.
totally fair trade for me because I don't even know why I have these as gifts. As far as I know I got the for free.
How trading works ? I bought some Humble Bundle games, wich are DLC free. For what I understand, that make these games elligible for trading ?​
I've got some games I'll probably never play. But other games I missed on several Humble bundles.​
The more I play, the best hardware I buy, the more I want to play native only. The fun thing is that I bought a new processor and video card especially for windows gaming (even reinstalled windows on a secondary harddrive for the first time in a decade) and wine gaming, but I still prefer to support native gaming.​
As for humble bundles, just claim the key and then give it away. Once its activated, that account gets the game forever.
So if you give me a key and I activated it, then its my game. Not sure how it works for bundle websites because you will still have the key there, but you can't activate it since I already did.

Unfortunately Native Linux gaming is going really slow and Windows gamers are not convinced that their games will run yet.
Hence our website and dedication to proving those games CAN run in Linux.
I prefer native too, but I already own waaaaay too many games that are Windows only. I still want to play those.