
Does my buying new TV count?LOL
We do what we can same as you.

But if you wish to give gifts you must be prepared to receive them as well.":O}

This makes sense but I always feel squirmy when people are very kind and give me stuff. Deep down I suppose I feel that I don't deserve them. Thank you very, very much for your wonderful offer. I watched "Avatar" last night and I love that film. Why? Because the "Indians" who are indeed noble people win in the end! So refreshing to see even though reality screams that this will never be true in the USA. The Blu-ray looked great on my humble tv, I have no need to greed for more.

Please help me in this endeavor. If you want to be generous many good causes await your hard earned dollar!
As I said, we do what we can. my god you can be a slippery devil ":O}
But I have no wish to burden you for having shown me great kindness.

But if ever your in need, think of me first.
This is extremely kind of you, Dan and Patti. Thank you very much! I sincerely hope I won't find myself in need but it has happened before tbh.
Could you replace your 40 with a 46 . I can get a real deal on a 43 or 46.

Say...I'll bet you don't even have a TV in your bathroom!! You could keep your old 40" in the shower and still have room for at lest a 43.
Your need to repay a kindness is honorable and admirable. But totally unneeded imho. Please, save the money for some need you don't yet know you have. In this wicked economy some unfair bill is always festering in the dark!
And you would do better to remember that we rarely beat a storm to port and rough seas are the rule.
There, that's the most I've ever done to dissuade someone from a good deed.

I thank you George we prosper because you made a sacrifice.

"Sacrifice alone has the power to help this world."

The only time I ever feel poor is when I realize (constantly)
I have nothing with which to help the poor.
Patti sees to this and most worldly matters as she has done for 30 years.
Words always fail an empty stomach.

And words are all I have and the insights that propel those words into my world.

And you, I have a friend when in need.
So I give to you from what I have.
You have a friend when in need.

Thank you Dan and Patti! Thank goodness that most of us don't kill animals to propitiate some god or another. That is no sacrifice!
When friends are few it's easy to really think about their plight.