Which ever way the wind blows

Tired of having to shift those sacks of money about? Here's one solution!
They over priced it by 2 million, but it has two turlets!
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It's an amazing unit. And I so don't want it! Guess I've been in the same space for too long, got that turtle style of life down. And I don't stick my head out very often. Sigh. I was spoiled for movement when I was younger--saw plenty of it and don't require any new vistas to see. Oh noes! This model may not be there when I don't come to see it. And all the way to Texas? Texas, slowly I turned, step by step, yadda.

There's a smog monitor on Enumclaw's Mud Mountain. It consistently registers by far the lowest amount of bad air of all the ones available at ps.cleanair.org. And it's about thirty miles from you. You chose the place with the cleanest air in the Puget Sound Area. Well done, good sir!

If only it said "Peterbilt," shucks. Americans are addicted to "more" more than any other people on the planet.

Is it mandatory for salesmen to pronounce words thusly? "VeHicle," "foot" for feet," and other hick talk?

This machine is certainly properly intimidating to the lesser folks that must go second or third class. Having it break down would garner plenty of humble pie. Who wants to be humble in this beast?
It's all about ME!
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