Wintersun's Time II album is out


Well-Known Member
I normally don't post music here, but this is just so good I can't keep from sharing. Wintersun, Finnish metal band, released the Time II album which has been highly anticipated by fans. It is so much more than I could have expected.

If you like melodic metal, check out some of these songs:

The name sounds familiar! I'm really liking this band!

I'm gonna see if they are on Bandcamp

I've been getting into this band Trivium
They are kinda 90's metal but the drummer is amazing!

Thanks for sharing! This is definitely my "cup of tea"!
You can get all their albums on Bandcamp, yes. I've been a fan since the first album in 2004. They have been very slow with releases, only 4 studio albums in 20 years. However, the music is all top quality. Thankfully the band is working on new material, and we may be getting yet another new album within 1-2 years.
Nice! That is basically what I want to do. I want to build a small recording studio and record my songs. Then just release studio albums.

I'll check out the rest of their albums!