I'm sure it'll stretch somewhat but I'll never get to absolutely stuff myself at holiday meals again

Future health? Doc says he got it all (4/5 of the stomach and 18 lymph nodes), I'll still have 2-4 chemo treatments next month to clear up any floaters, but things are lookin' great.
I watch a medical show on TV. "The good Doctor"
I'm constantly being amazed by the power to heal that has been placed within our reach.
Even if does cost 4/5th of a stomach!
I'm with George! This is very good news to be sure.
Did they staple you or stitch?
I don't know why they still do both. You didn't happen to ask? ":O}
Don't try to tip the nurses they will think your a hick.
They thought I was a hick.
Don't bother taking those paper shoes they give you to home.
They don't hold up at all! Not even as socks!
Lucky Lucy they don't use paper stitches!
I'm pretty sure, but you might want to check on that one before you take your first shower.
I mean let's face it...You don't have a whole lot of stomach you can afford to let go of, not even for good hygiene or to save a few bucks on the paper stitches!
This is pretty much my idea of humor
So do I have you in stitches?
Laughter gives wings to happiness.
Some times 4/5 of a stomach can't get off the ground
But you you don't get a song.
Nobody writes songs about my baby left me with a broken and greatly reduced stomach.
They just don't sell like A mashed up heart song.
Look at it this way. You can satisfy your inner pig six times a day.
With just one candy bar! ":O}
OH! did you get a chance to laugh in deaths face? I always wanted to do that.
But I was afraid he'd laugh back in a very sly and nasty way. ":O}
You can't get well enough or happy enough soon enough to suit me. So get after it!