Games that run so far


I have gotten Warhammer Dark Crusade, Homeworld, and Homeworld Cataclysm.
I these games more or less as Booman did in his Dark Crusade Tutorial.
Dark Crusade runs good. But the game speed bogs down when there are a lot of units in the campaign game. I also had a game crashes in the Pavonis Map. So, overall the game does well. I did get Pavonis map to work but can't recall what I did to fix it. I don't want to but I may have to start keeping notes.
Homeworld works.
Homeworld Cataclysm will work but needs a lot of fiddling.
I sort of wonder if Homeworld might be linux to begin with as it does so well.
I can get Homeworld 2 to install. When I try to run it it crashes. After numerous installs and variations no love yet..
I am wondering if there might be standard Playonlinux setups. That is those libraries and such that are standard to most installs.
These are all Warhammer 40K Dawn of War games?
What video card are you using again?
Ah gotcha! I don't play a lot of strategy...
Would you be interested in doing some PlayOnLinux Guides on these games for us?
I just don't have enough Strategy games to test!

I would love to have Guides for games like Warcraft III, StarCraft I & II
I am interested in doing the guides. Truth is I barely know what I am doing.
I used your Warhammer Guide as a template and expanded from there. Your guides are great, I need to find the time to read them all.
Stuff like the add libraries part in PlayonLinux. I would like to define what they are as it is I do a lot of guessing.
Some other things, I wonder if this would go better if I installed Linux Mint 15 32bit rather than 64bit.
I tried to install a Linux AMD video driver. In hopes to improve things. No go as yet.
If you need help, just start a conversation with me and I'll show you what I do to make guides.
Daniel has even requested a guide on making guides.

General info for Guides:
  • Keep them simple to read
  • Take screenshots of every step (even if you don't use them later)
  • Be detailed on Wine configuration (windows version, virtual desktop)
  • Be detail on Windows Components

Try the provided PlayOnLinux script first, if it doesn't work then do a Manual Installation by clicking "Install a non-listed program"
This is where it gets tricky because you have to select a version of Wine and which libraries you want to use.

Normally you can figure out which libraries by trying the PlayOnLinux script. It auto-installs Windows Components and just take notes. Or just insert DVD and look for directories that have dotnetframework, directx, vc and other necessary files.
Normally they are in a folder on the DVD.

But I usually use these Libraries just to be safe:
  • d3dx9
  • internet explorer 8 (installs msxml3 & service pack 3)
  • vcrun2005
  • physx
  • core fonts
  • registered fonts
  • tahoma
Most 2007 and earlier games will run on these alone. Lots of new indie games run on these too.
One thing I learned from PlayOnLinux forums is to NOT install dotnet with mono because they conflict.
Mono IS the same thing as dotnet, but its its not Microsoft proprietary software. For example, Unity engine uses Mono instead of dotnet framework.
The point is, any Wine version 1.5 and newer already installs mono so you don't need dotnet libraries.
But if you use an earlier Wine like 1.4.1, then you might need to install mono or dotnet for your game to work. I recommend mono, but dotnet30 has worked well for me.
Running 64 bit Mint 15 is not a problem, you can choose to install a game to a 32 bit V.R. or a 64 bit V.R.
Yes, but in a good way many games will use your multi-cores, you can tell them to try in POL setup.
Rolandttq, I have added Homeworld and Homeworld Cataclysm to my games list.
If you want to do a guide, maybe just install again and take screenshots of EVERY step using PrintScreen button on your keyboard
Then email them to me. I'll sort it out and try to do a guide from it.
Just make sure to screenshot every window, every pop-up and every step. In order if possible.
I'll crop the images and write up the guide.
I will.
I am now trying to do a better install of PlayOnLinux. The video driver update didn't go. But I installed another driver from driver manager.
I had some problems with the driver change. I lost the GUI on some programs. Programs would start with a blank screen.
The desktop looked alright.
Reinstalled the OS. No big deal. Reinstalls faster than I can fix whatever I did.

Good news! I changed the driver from xserver to fglrx. Now I have the Catalyst Control Center. Maybe this will help as I have some control over the device.
I got a game from GOG called Ground Control 2.
I did get it to install but after several installs I all I got was a black screen. I installed the 2 types of AMD Drivers from Mint 15 Driver Manager and again a blank screen. I reverted to Mints recommended driver and now it works. Cool game for $2.99. Anyone any idea why this worked?
Not really. But think you should know that you can install any Driver from the Nvidia selection in Device manager and not have any trouble. In Linux AMD/ATI is just a hard way to go.
I have installed Starcraft 1 on Playonlinux. I used Wine 1.4.1 and Windows NT 4.0. That was all there was to it. So far runs smooth as butter. Fingers crossed.:)
Usually if the run , they continue to run. I haven't had a successful game crumble on me.
To early to be sure.... I have been playing Supreme Commander 1. I got it on DVD from Amazon for about $6. The discussion on the Crysis thread seemed to help. The install was about the same as in booman's Warhammer Dawn of War Crusade tutorial. I added to my Linux Mint 15 64 bit all the 32 bit libraries that I could find plus Riched20 and Riched30. Riched20 +30 cam up on some other sites that I did a google search on Playonlinux debug errors. Seemed to help. Plus so far I have enabled opengl and FBO in the Playonlinux display tab. I have learned to save games as a crash sometimes happens anyway on these games in linux.
Soon I will have to learn how to backup my installs. Anyone please share how.
Backing up is a sinch!

Backing up games in PlayOnLinux
  1. Go To: /home/username/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix
  2. Copy any wineprefix to another location (external drive, flash drive, hard drive)
  3. Also copy appropriate shortcut from: /home/username/.PlayOnLinux/shortcuts

Restoring backed up games

  1. Paste backed up wineprefix folder to: /home/username/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix
  2. Pasted backed up shortcut to: /home/username/.PlayOnLinux/shortcuts