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Tera Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by booman, Nov 24, 2017.

  • by booman, Nov 24, 2017 at 10:57 PM
  • booman

    booman Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Linux, Virginia
    Home page:

    Enter the free-to-play world of Arun and Shara to join the Valkyon forces and battle against the Argon invasions. Select from 7 classes, complete quests in a beautiful world, discover loot, craft new items and level up your skills.


    Follow my step-by-step guide on installing, configuring and optimizing Tera in Linux with PlayOnLinux.

    Note: This guide applies to the Steam version of Tera. Other versions may require additional steps.

    Tips & Specs:

    Try SteamPlay before using this guide as Valve now uses a fork of Wine called Proton and should run most Windows games.

    To learn more about PlayOnLinux and Wine configuration, see the online manual: PlayOnLinux Explained

    Mint 18.2 64-bit
    PlayOnLinux: 4.2.12
    Wine: 2.20-staging

    Wine Installation

    Click Tools
    Select "Manage Wine Versions"

    Look for the Wine Version: 2.20-staging
    Select it
    Click the arrow pointing to the right

    Click Next

    Downloading Wine


    Downloading Gecko


    Wine 2.20-staging is installed and you can close this window

    Downloading Steam

    Go To: http://www.steampowered.com
    Click Install Steam

    Do not click "Install Steam Now"
    It will automatically install Linux Steam
    Select Windows Steam instead
    click "Windows" under the green button

    Navigate to your desktop
    Click Save

    PlayOnLinux Setup

    Launch PlayOnLinux
    Click Install

    Click "install a non-listed program"

    Click Next

    Select "Install a program in a new virtual drive"
    Click Next

    Name your virtual drive: tera
    No spaces
    Click Next

    Check all three options:
    • Use another version of Wine
    • Configure Wine
    • Install some libraries
    Click Next

    Select Wine 2.20-staging
    Click Next

    Select "32 bits windows installation"
    Click Next

    Configure Wine

    Applications Tab
    Windows Version: Windows 7
    Click Apply

    Graphics Tab
    Check: Automatically capture the mouse in full-screen windows
    Check: Emulate a virtual desktop
    Desktop size: 1024x768
    Click Ok

    PlayOnLinux Packages (Libraries, Components, DLL's)

    Check the following libraries:
    • POL_Install_corefonts
    • POL_Install_d3dx9
    • POL_Install_tahoma
    • POL_Install_vcrun2008
    • POL_Install_vcrun2010
    • POL_Install_winhttp
    Click Next

    Note: All packages will automatically download and install

    Installing Steam

    Click Browse

    Navigate to your desktop
    Select: SteamSetup.exe
    Click Open

    Click Next

    Click Next

    Check: I accept the license...
    Click Next

    Click Next

    Click Next

    Click Install

    Click Finish

    Updating Steam

    Click the "X" to close Steam login

    PlayOnLinux Shortcut

    Select Steam.exe
    Click Next

    Name your shortcut: Tera
    Click Next

    Select "I don't want to make another shortcut"
    Click Next

    PlayOnLinux Configure

    Back to PlayOnLinux
    Click Configure

    General Tab
    Arguments: -no-dwrite -no-cef-sandbox
    This fixes any missing font problems and the Store problem (Windows needs to be set as Windows XP)

    Note: Click the + to download other versions of Wine. Click the down-arrow to select other versions of wine

    Display Tab
    Video Memory Size: Select the size of Memory your video card/chip uses

    Close Configure

    Launching Steam

    Select Tera
    Click Run

    Note: Click debug to see errors and bugs

    Click "Login to existing account"


    Click the Store
    Search for TERA

    Click "Play Game"

    Uncheck "Create desktop shortcut"
    Uncheck "Create start menu shortcut"
    Click Next

    Click Finish
    Wait for 40 Gigs to download

    Click Play


    Tera can run slow even with newer video cards due to the UI and streaming content. I found that playing in "Windowsed(fullscreen)" helped improve the frame rates. Also removing the GUI with Ctrl+Z helped to gain some frames per second.

    • Screen ratio
    • Resolution
    • Fullscreen
    • Windowed(fullscreen)
    • Windowed
    • Auto-adjust effect level while in a group
    • Effects Level
    • Lurid Display
    • Presets
    • Specific Graphic Details
    • Adjust Texture resolution
    • PC view distance
    • PC limit
    • Character
    • Shadow
    • Distan environment detail
    • landscape
    • Effects Distance
    • Background Quality
    • Background Distance
    • Character Effects Quality (field)
    • Character Effects Quality (dungeon)
    • Travel effects
    • Lighting Enrichment
    • Real-time Optimization
    Click Apply
    Click OK

    I was able to run Tera on 3 different PCs with different video cards and play co-op with my daughters. The frame rates were bearable as long as you were not in the huge city. Even then, you can crank down the Video settings to gain a few more frames per second. I ran Tera on a Nvidia 750 Ti, GTX 9520 & GTX 1060. After reading the AppDB page, some gamers noticed that the GUI was causing some processing exhuastion. So I was able to gain some frames per second by disabling it with Ctrl+Z

    Gameplay Video:








    Last edited: Dec 12, 2019
    Rahadian Arya likes this.


Discussion in 'Guides' started by booman, Nov 24, 2017.

  1. steve723
    The steam store will not display. I added the two switches to arguments but the steam store still will not display. I used the POL steam install. I wounder If that might be the problem. Maybe the POL version of steam isn't working right.
    booman likes this.
  2. booman
    Make sure windows version is Windows XP
    I'm still having problems with the game running slow in random areas. My daughters account runs great... not sure what that is about?
    I matched all my video settings to her video settings
  3. steve723
    I already got it working. I forgot about the xp thing. You'd think the wine devs would have fixed this after all this time. I tried 64 bit, but It seems that wine staging 2.20 or the POL version isn't packaged correctly as something for the fonts is missing and wineconfigure can't display it's dialog box.
    booman likes this.
  4. booman
    Yes, I've been dealing with this problem for a long time. Not sure why Wine isn't steamwebhelper compatible with Windows 7. But as long as you can download the game initially, once its in your library, you can switch it back to Windows 7.

    There is a Steam packages in PlayOnLinux you can install during a manual installation. it will include the -no-dwrite command for fonts.

    I didn't try Tera in a 64-bit virtual drive/Wine, please let me know what the performance is like.
  5. steve723
    As I said I was unable to get 64 bit wine to work as the package is brok. It might work If the package had the proper depends. Whether this is the fault of winehq, Kubuntu or POL, I don't know. If Kubuntu, then hopefully when 18.04 comes out wine will be fixed so both the 32 bit and 64 bit packages will work.
  6. steve723
    It's finally patching now. BTW: In case you don't know it is possible to install to a different drive when using POL. If the game ask you the location to install. When making a shortcut launch icon you need to select browse and navigate to where you installed the game, so that POL can find the excutable. Of course you still need a little space on the system drive so POL can make a small wine bottle and make the launch icon (s) there, else you couldn't make the link to the rest of the install.
    booman likes this.
  7. steve723
    I clicked play to see if it would work and it went to the character creation screen. I didn't install direct x or anything as I know that the newer versions of wine already have those installed. I only told it to install vcrun 2010. I did not install vcrun 2008. I will try playing in a bit. I like the music so far.
  8. booman
    Yeah, surprisingly its a pretty fun game. Has all the typical MMO RPG elements, but some of the mini-bosses are pretty cool with multiple attacks.

    No wonder I didn't try a 64-bit Wine and virtual drive. I couldn't remember why...
  9. steve723
    Now to try the game.
  10. booman
    Why? What changed?
  11. steve723
    I just meant to try playing the game. It plays good and I didn't add everything you said. Just vcrun2010 and steam. Everything was either already in wine or added by steam when I played the game.You should checkout the wardrobe If you haven't already there are some cool outfits and mounts. There is a bunch of kid stuff in there, so you will have to look a bit.
  12. booman
    Are you having any sluggish performance?

    I still am... using Wine 2.20-staging with CSMT on and of, but still getting low frame rates.

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