UnderRail, LMDE2, error: no suitable graphics card found


New Member
Greetings, and with great humility and lowly need of aide do I beseech ye who are wise in my struggle against my netbook. I am ashamed before humanity!

I also posted this over at the PlayOnLinux forums. Someone here may have a solution, though.

I have tried around 5 or 6 times to install the latest GOG version of UnderRail. The game seems to install okay, but attempts to run it fail with this error:

"No suitable graphics card found. Could not find a Direct3D device that supports XNA Framework Reach profile."

I tried the exact instructions and components from this post:


Before I go into more detail, here are my specs:

Linux version:

LMDE2 (Linux Mint Debian Edition 2, based on Debian Jessie)

Kernel: 4.5.0-0.bpo.2-amd64

MultiArch appears to be set up fine.

POL Version:

4.2.10. For the first install, I used POL 4.2.5 (stable) from the Jessie repository. Then, I installed 4.2.10. With both versions, the problem behaved the same.

For my first 2 or 3 attempts, I had Wine 1.8.2 32bit and 64bit installed from Debian Backports.

Computer Specs:

Lenovo S21E netbook

CPU: Intel Celeron N2840 Dual Core 2.16GHz

RAM: 2 Gb

GPU: Intel Atom Processor Z36xxx/Z37xxx Series - using i915 driver provided by Jessie package xserver-xorg-video-intel version 2:2.21.15-2+b2.

Error messages:

I've uninstalled and reinstalled POL several times, and do not have debug logs at the moment. Upon request, I can do it all again to get debug logs.

For every install (in POL and using WINE/wineprefix alone), I get the "Runtime Error 69:445" message before the install finishes. I've read that this is not always a problem.

But, I have never once had the UnderRail game icon show up in the POL main window. The only way I can try to play it is to go to Configure, choose the virtual drive, and then run an .exe.

So, again, I get this:

"No suitable graphics card found. Could not find a Direct3D device that supports XNA Framework Reach profile."

In addition to the components listed in the POL forum link above, I have also tried installing:

XNA3.1 plus the suggested components.

XNA4.0 plus suggested components.

Both XNA versions plus the components.

D3DFull plus the components.

WindowsVideoDriver plus the components, and possibly one or both XNA's at the same time (I don't remember clearly. "No suitable brain cells found.")

And, I forget whatever other combination I tried.

To start over clean, I deleted the virtual drive after each attempt.

In addition to WINE 1.8, I also used the POL WINE Manager and tried WINE versions 1.8.2, 1.9.1, and I think 1.9.3.

The last thing I tried was the WINEPREFIX method from this post on the GOG forums:


That results in the same error, and I tried various combinations of components with that, as well.

I'm curious whether LMDE2/Debian Jessie require things I don't know about to make WINE and POL work nice. I'm aware Ubuntu and regular Mint are more friendly for this.

I'm hoping I just need to do something with POL. If this is an issue with LMDE2 stuff, just point me vaguely in the right direction if no one wants to get into helping with that.

Whoever can help with this, I know that much of this information may or may not be immediately useful, so I'll try whatever anyone suggests as long as it doesn't result in fire and as long as the conclusion isn't like the end of the movie "Pi".

I'd just like to add that this is why robots should be distrusted and regarded as evil.

Thank you for your time.
I can't edit the post. I forgot to say that this is my first time trying to install anything with WINE or POL. I've never used either until now.

So, I have no solid idea what I'm doing.
So no one even has an offhand or quick suggestion? There's no force of nature requiring that every single thing I said must be analyzed before replying.

Some small tip may be all I need to get it working, even if someone doubts their tip will work.
Patience, Grasshopper.

Not all of us are in the same time zones; I'm sure that you'll make contact sooner or later :)

But if I had to guess, I would guess that your graphics processor is outdated/insufficient/underpowered/not able to work or the driver won't.

I know that's not what you wanted to hear, but a netbook isn't exactly a gaming machine. Sometimes the error message is exactly what it seems to be. But the right guy to ask is Booman; stick around and he'll check in soon enough.

XNA is a .NET related thing, or it is based on .NET; do you have the .NET framework installed?
Last edited:
I was worried I'd put too much information into my post such that very few (or zero) people would respond as you have. Your response is useful even if not specific because you speak with experience, and you've given me part of a set of guidelines that will help when troubleshooting POL/WINE issues. An experienced opinion often comes with plenty of useful implications.

So, if this weird little netbook won't run it, at least I'm learning. It will run Balrum (Steam), Xenonauts (GOG), ShellShock Live (Steam), and Eschalon Pt. I (GOG).

I'm curious about the driver, and also curious whether Debian or LMDE2 will run some things nicely in POL, but not other things. I want to see if I can get it to work in LMDE2 because it runs a bit faster on this netbook, but my final step will be to install Mint 18, set up Openbox or Fluxbox, and give it another try.

I just don't know enough to predetermine whether Mint 18 will do with POL what LMDE2 will not. I assume it would be easier that way, but then again I know someone may tell me it's not that simple.

In the POL virtual drive, I do have .NET 3.5 and 4.0 installed, as per Booman's instructions in the linked thread I linked to on the POL site.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I assume you were not talking about having Mono installed in LMDE2.
Hey, that was my post on the PlayOnLinux forum :p
I help out there as well!

Of course, I have a few questions...
Can you play any other games in PlayOnLinux?

I have an old Acer C710 Chromebook (ChrUbuntu 12.04) with Intel HD 2000 chipset and I can install PlayOnLinux just fine and play a few games like Torchlight 1
So I know it should work as expected. Normally I install Wine from the package installer/manager then I download PlayOnLinux directly from their website. This way you have the most recent version.

Once you launch PlayOnLinux the first time it produces a warning about xterm, so I install that as well.
I don't own Underrail, so it will be impossible for me to test it, but it seems XNA41 and DirectX9 are necessary.
You shouldn't need Dot Net unless the game requires it. Normally once the game is installed you can search the game folder for directories like:
  • redist
  • support
  • visual c+
  • directx
In those folders you will find the dependencies for Underrail. If you see DotNet, Visual C+ or Direct X, then you will definitely need those installed before running the game. Normally installing the game will install them for you, but not all libraries work in Wine.

So I would try another Manual Installation once youget Wine and PlayOnLinux installed. Make sure to use a 32-bit virtual drive and 32-bit Wine. I suggest starting with Wine 1.8.3 because it is the newest stable version. If it doesn't work properly, try 1.9.13-staging

Install these packages:
  • corefonts
  • d3dx9
  • tahoma
  • xna40
Let us know if it works...
If not, please post the "debug" by running Overrail with "Debug" instead of "Run"
Thank you for the reply.

I tried what you said. Links to logs and a full list of game files on pastebin are below.

In POL, I went ahead and installed Wine 1.8.3 (32 bit and 64 bit) and 1.9.13-staging (32 bit and 64 bit) so that I could switch between them quick. Let me know if anything about that is wrong.

During setup of the virtual drive, I got an error during install of d3dx9. I didn't screenshot it because I'm becoming apathetic about this. The error said something about d3dx9 not installing because dotnet is not installed. I continued anyway, just in case the error should be ignored.

When the game installed, I got the same error. I think. Anyway, soon after that, something new and different happened. A window popped up over the game install window. It was part of XNA automatic installation stuff, which I hope is good (it wasn't an error, it looked normal, and it hasn't happened before). The XNA window did its thing quickly.

Upon trying to start the game, I got the same error as before, "no suitable graphics card found."

Here are the logs.

Debug log from using debug to run the game with Wine 1.8.3:


Debug log of installation and attempts to run the game with Wine 1.9.13-staging and then 1.8.3:


I may have the links reversed. You'll know which is which. I'm not sure what in the log is meaningfully different and bad, or normal.

In case it helps, here is a recursive file list of the UnderRail directory:


The only games I've played using Wine have been installed using those Play. It scripts someone releases. They've worked for Xenonauts and Temple of Elemental Evil.

A few questions:

Does it make a difference what version of Wine is activated in POL when the game is installed?

Before using POL to install things, should I run Wine (not POL, outside POL) and let it do the Mono stuff it wants to do? I've never seen a suggestion about this, but I figure it's a good question to ask in case no one is mentioning it. The "d3dx9 can't do ____ without dotnet" error made me wonder if POL is trying to use Mono and not finding it. I dunno. I'm guessing.

Can you help me join the mole people?
XNA will not run without at least dx9.0c installed. I haven't done an exhaustive search, but the limited search I've done seems to suggest that chip doesn't support dx9, although I'm not 100% sure of that, because another source seems to suggest DX11 is supported. It may be that older DX versions aren't supported but newer ones are. If that's the case, and you need DX11 support to make the chip work under Windows, that would explain things.

Wine DX11 support is not yet out, I don't believe.
It turns out Temple of Elemental Evil requires DirectX7, but recommends DirectX9. Another World 20th Anniversary Edition also runs, and it requires a card compatible with DirectX9. I was able to run both. I think that settles the question of whether this laptop can run DirectX9.

Good thing to check, though. I hadn't thought of that possibility. I'm learning a lot about possible obstacles I could run into when troubleshooting with WINE/POL, so I appreciate the post.
I was able to run a few XNA games in PlayOnLinux with Direct X 9. Like Magicka.

I'm concerned about your PlayOnLinux not installing d3dx9. I have never had a problem installing it or any of the d3dx... libraries. So this could still be a driver issue. Its very hard to tell since you can play some older games.

Can you play any native Linux games?

In your logs I see a lot of this error: err:ole:StdMarshalImpl_UnmarshalInterface
I looked it up and this is a common error, but hard to tell what it is and why it won't work.
I was doing some research and found this post on GOG:

They suggest installing dotnet45 as well.
But there are some bugs with "black screen" when saving and loading.

By the way, if you are doing a manual installation, try following the steps from one of our guides.
Or I can copy/paste the generic steps for you here.

What I did to make it work without issues was:
setup a new bottle windows 32bit.
Install order msxml3, msxml4,corefonts, dotnet45 (it will install 3.5 and 4.0 as well), install msvc++2010, msvc++2012, vcrun2010, d3dx9, mediaplayercodecs, xna4, tahoma.
Incidentally I can use the same bottle for the stalkersoup launcher now as well. Which is a dotnet 4.5 application.
With this setup I've not had any issues with the game so far. Played for eight hours.
A native port would still be nice though! :)
Oh and I use wine-staging 1.8
A couple native linux games work for me: Scorched3d and Ur-Quan Masters.

The only install I had (out of around 9+ attempts) in which d3dx9 didn't install was the method you suggested in this thread. The difference was that you didn't suggest installing dotnet this time. The error said d3dx9 couldn't install because dotnet wasn't present.

In your method posted on the POL forums, d3dx9 installed with no errors.

In that same GOG thread you linked, on the second page, I tried LucklessCebu's non-POL, pure wineprefix method. The result was the same error, "no suitable graphics card found".

What I have not tried yet was the method posted by user Epsilon from the first page of that GOG thread. So, I will try adding dotnet 4.5.

His post mentions several other components, though.

If you suggest installing dotnet 4.5 as well, do you mean this:
  • corefonts
  • dotnet45
  • d3dx9
  • tahoma
  • xna40
Or, the components listed in Epsilon's post on the first page of the GOG thread:
  • msxml3
  • msxml4
  • corefonts
  • dotnet45
  • msvc++2010
  • msvc++2012
  • vcrun2010
  • d3dx9
  • mediaplayercodecs
  • xna40
  • tahoma
Nevermind that question, I'll try both if necessary. No problem, this will be interesting. Thanks for catching that info about dotnet45, I had forgotten that, had no idea if it would work out of all the other methods, and I have no idea when I would have thought to go check the first page of that thread again.
When you try re-installing d3dx9 and dotnet are you creating a new virtual drive each time?
This is a good idea because there can be conflict with existing files or just something got messed up.

Just make sure each time you install the game to create a new virtual drive.

I'm really surprised Underrail requires so many packages. Kinda crazy, but I've seen it before.
I would install these packages:
  • corefonts
  • d3dx9
  • dotnet40
  • dotnet45
  • vcrun2010
  • xna40
  • tahoma
You "shouldn't" need the windowsmediacodec, but if the game uses wmp then you might have to install that as well. Remember you can always install packages later in PlayOnLinux configure.

I try to test game with the least amount of packages at first, because some of them install with the game and run fine. Some don't and you have to re-install the game and try different packages.
I do delete and re-create the virtual drive each time. I quickly gathered from these threads how one wrong component could doom the game.

Here's what gets me - how did you know what to suggest to the guy in the PlayOnLinux.com thread?

Also, where is the guide for manual installations? I thought I'd seen it before, but now I don't think I have because I can't find a stickied post or anything like that with a title like "manual installation guide".
My suggestion on the PlayOnLinux website was to install
  • corefonts
  • d3dx9
  • dotnet35
  • dotnet40
  • gdiplus
  • tahoma
But before you do that, you need to run this command in Terminal:
echo "0"|sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope

Manual installation:
Launch PlayOnLinux
Click Install
Click “Install a non-listed program”
Click Next
Select “Install in a new virtual drive”
Name your virtual drive (no spaces)
Select all three options:
  • Use another version of Wine
  • Configure Wine
  • Install some libraries
Select Wine 1.8
Set Windows version: Windows XP
Graphics Tab:
  • check “automatically capture mouse...”
  • check “emulate a virtual drive”
  • Desktop size: 1024x768
Click Ok
Select libraries to install
Standard Libraries:
  • core fonts
  • d3dx9
  • dotnet35
  • dotnet40
  • gdiplus
  • Tahoma
Click Browse
Select the Underrail Installer exe
Click Options
Uncheck "Desktop Shortcut"
Click Install
When its finished, click Exit

Select Underrail.exe
Name the shortcut: Underrail
Select "No I don't want to make another shortcut"
Run Game

Dotnet can be tedious so be patient...
Well, this got really weird. Long story short, the game gives the same error, but I can't proceed trying another component for the next install attempt because creating the virtual drive suddenly started telling me Mono isn't installed, and every attempt to install the virtual drive after dealing with that results in the dotnot install appearing to be broken due to an error with ServiceModelReg.exe.

Here are the details:

The first time I tried the new approach a couple days ago, I hadn't changed anything. I just removed the virtual drive and started the process.

This time, at the beginning of the virtual drive install, Wine gave a message saying mono wasn't installed. It gave a choice to install mono into the virtual drive, but it recommended to install my distribution's mono packages first.

I've never had this message pop up before. Mono has been installed all this time. There haven't been any distribution updates to Mono during this time.

I checked WineHQ's wiki page about Mono. Parts of it were poorly written with too little elaboration at the cost of clarity, so it was very little help.

I checked Wine itself to see if I needed to install Mono in it first. I still wonder if I might need to do that, but it's odd, because nothing changed with Mono since our last attempt around 4 days ago.

So, I went ahead and had the POL virtual drive install Mono itself.

And, I got the brand new error.

"The Program ServiceModelReg.exe has encountered a serious problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

It happens over and over, around 8 times during the entire install of the virtual drive. I proceeded to install the game anyway, which worked, but I got the same "no suitable graphics card found" error up trying to run the game.

I was very surprised the game installed, and I can't assume the error has not broken dotnet, resulting in the same "no suitable gpu" error.

Next, I deleted the virtual drive, uninstalled Wine 1.9.13-staging and POL, and deleted all leftover configuration files.

I then re-installed Wine 1.8.2 from Debian Backports and POL.

I tried it again, letting POL install Mono into the virtual drive. I got the same ServiceModelReg.exe error, and the same error with the game.

This time, I installed the Mono-Complete metapackage for Debian - which I hadn't needed before - and the results were all the same.

Weird stuff. I have no idea how, but I guess Wine and/or POL caused a persistent bug in Mono.

Upon searching, the only other post I found about this problem with Wine is here (without a solution):


When the day comes, the only thing I'm using to fix robots is a hammer or a cliff. No mercy.
I deleted the virtual drive and started over again. Long story short, a Microsoft tool for verifying dotnet installed correctly now shows all dotnet version up to 4.5 are installed correctly. I have no idea yet if this will make the game work so I can go to Mole People Land, but here's what I did:

Based on this WineHQ page about dotnet 4.0:


Which says this:

Additional Comments

You need to install msxml3 through winetricks before or the setup will crash

I changed my approach.

Instead of clicking the install button and going through the setup wizard where you check a bunch of boxes in the components list to choose what to install, I just created the virtual drive manually and first installed msxml3.

Then, I installed corefonts, tahoma, then dotnot 3.5, dotnet 4.0, then dotnet 4.5. Everything installed around 10 times faster.

Then, I ran the .NET Framework Setup Verification Tool in the virtual drive:


It shows all is well. But, I'm not trusting everything so fast because when I'm an old man, I'm certain I'm going to be harassed by robots.

I just installed xna40 and d3dx9 in the virtual drive without any error messages.

Now, I opened Windows task manager and began the install using "New Task". We'll see soon.
It didn't work. I got the same "no suitable graphics card" error. I may install more components one-by-one to see what happens, or I may wait for a reply.

Here is the debug output:

[07/13/16 14:12:51] - Running wine-1.8.3 underrail.exe (Working directory : /home/bard/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/drv3/drive_c/underrail)
fixme:process:SetProcessDEPPolicy (1): stub
fixme:wer:WerSetFlags (2) stub!
fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 stub
fixme:service:scmdatabase_autostart_services Auto-start service L"clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_32" failed to start: 1053
fixme:process:GetNumaHighestNodeNumber (0x32fb88): semi-stub
fixme:thread:SetThreadStackGuarantee (0x32fb6c): stub
err:ntdll:NtQueryInformationToken Unhandled Token Information class 29!
err:ntdll:NtQueryInformationToken Unhandled Token Information class 29!
fixme:time:QueryThreadCycleTime (0xfffffffe,0x3d52560): stub!
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"Microsoft.Xna.Framework"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"System.Windows.Forms"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"System"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"System.Drawing"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch"
fixme:nls:GetUserPreferredUILanguages stub: 8 0x32e820 (nil) 0x32e81c
fixme:thread:GetThreadPreferredUILanguages 8, 0x32e820, (nil) 0x32e81c
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"Accessibility"
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32d198,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:d3d9:D3DPERF_SetOptions (0x2) : stub
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {8e9f5090-2d75-4d03-8a81-e5afbf85daf1}, 0xa7094a, (nil), 0x1638a20
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
fixme:gdiplus:GdipCreateHalftonePalette stub
fixme:process:FlushProcessWriteBuffers : stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
Update. All attempts to run the game failed after each time I installed each of these components:

  • msxml4
  • msvc++2012
  • mediaplayercodecs
  • gdiplus
Wow, great job sticking-with-it!

If anything, now you know how to trial-n-error all of your other games.

I seriously do not have problems installing mono, dotnet and other dependencies that you have mentioned.
I have installed Wine and PlayOnLinux in Mint on several laptops and several desktops.
I'm glad you tried manually creating the virtual drive first, then installing from PlayOnLinux Configure, one package at a time. I have done that as well with some games.

The main difference between your machine and most of mine is your Distro. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with it, but there is a chance something is missing or conflicting that I don't have in Mint. I know installing another distro can be a pain, specially since it appears you have a firm grasp on your Distro. Not to mention its based on Ubuntu just like Mint.

That graphics card error has to be driver related, but it doesn't make any sense when you can play other games.
I can't remember if I asked about your Intel Proprietary drivers? Normally with Ubuntu they install automatically, but I'm not sure about your distro.