World of tanks not installing

Red Baron

New Member
I am having difficulty following the instructions. (

At the below spot

Click Next

Click OK

Click Next

Click Next

Check "Don't create a Start Menu folder"
Click Next

Uncheck "Create a desktop icon"
Click Next

Click Install

After I click install, A blue windows type window opens up and then the error of

"World of tanks - Critical error" "an unhandled exception is occured". (yes it really says that.) "the application will be restarted"

At this point, it pops up with the option of creating a short cut and fails. I see no option to run debug, since the game never even starts to download, so there is not a icon for wot to run debug on. I hope this makes sense.

IF I install it as part of the playonlinux program, and NOT as alternative install, it installs fine. But then upon launch, when I go to log in it says it was interrupted by the user. Packet traces show numerous ports being used, but then no response back from the server for one of the ports. ??

I would love to get this working again, since I've played probably a 100 hours of this game in linux in the past and would love to get back to my desktop. I don't even have Windows, and plan to NEVER make that mistake again. ;)
Update: They say doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is insanity. Well... after this post, I tried again, and inexplicably it took off and installed. ?? I didn't do anything different. But the good news is, it allowed me to run debug and I will post the tail of it, since I believe it is the only portion needed. If you the entire multiple mb file I will be glad to do that.

fixme:d3d9:Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9 stub
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
fixme:win:RegisterDeviceNotificationA (hwnd=0xa0062, filter=0x7c8e960,flags=0x00000000) returns a fake device notification handle!
err:winsock:interface_bind Failed to bind to interface, receiving broadcast packets will not work on socket 0548.
err:winsock:interface_bind Failed to bind to interface, receiving broadcast packets will not work on socket 0548.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.

It is at this point it does the same thing as previous and other methods of install. It says interrupted by user. Broadcast packets!? Those are not going to go over a router, so I'm a little baffled by this.
I would like to see the entire debug just in case...

Strange that World Of Tanks wouldn't even install in the first place.
Which version of Wine are you using? I suggest downloading newer versions of Wine and trying with those as well.

Make sure to set Windows version as Windows XP, otherwise IE8 won't install.

Also I'm assuming you installed these libraries, correct?
  • POL_Install_corefonts
  • POL_Install_dxfullsetup
  • POL_Install_ie8
  • POL_Install_tahoma
  • POL_Install_vcrun2008
  • POL_Install_wininet
The only other thing I can think of is 32-bit libraries and proprietary video drivers.
Okay, now I'm getting worried. Either you are the worlds best hacker/fixer, I'm losing my mind, or somebody somewhere has made a change at WOT headquarters. !!! ????

I renamed the old logs, so I could give you a "fresh one", and fired up the game in debug. It freaking loaded!!!! First time in four months. I've tried countless times, so I know something changed. Sure wished I knew what.

Have others been using it just fine? Maybe a OS update fixed something? Now all I have to do is get it from 1024, up to a usable format. Very bizarre.
Yeah, could have been an update in your Distro.
Thats crazy! You didn't change anything?
So did you actually play a round in World of Tanks?
Well something must have changed, but I did not "do" anything. As a matter of fact, I don't know of any update done either, but something must have. I suppose there is a very small chance that WOT changed something. ??

I played about 10 games yesterday. The frame rate sucks though. It is worse than before, and I can't remember what I had set how. I did get it to come up as high as 72fps, but it was inconsistent. It would drop as low as 17fps at times. I'm in the process of trying to find some help on fixing the video. The ping says 999, but that is clearly not corrrect. I have an Nvidia card. I put the latest driver in, and tried all the latest Wine versions. Some are better than others. THe CMST ones seem best. i read somewhere that enabling it fixes the problem, but they don't bother to say how to enable it. In any event, that is another thread. ;)
To enable CSMT:
  1. Launch PlayOnLinux
  2. Select World Of Tanks
  3. Click Configure
  4. Click Wine Tab
  5. Click Registry
  7. Expand Software
  8. Expand Wine
  9. Expand Direct3D
  10. Right-click select New
  11. Select String Value
  12. Type: CMST
  13. Double-click CMST
  14. Type: enabled
That made a HUGE difference! I am now seeing up to 120fps! The down side is that it still bogs down to 30fps at times. Not sure why. I would love to take and put what you just posted into a new thread to help others in need. ? It just might be playable now. I'm going to go try something other than an artie to see if I can hold my own. ;)
bummer... something is still wrong... I am at bare minimums and it is still going down into the teens. It used to be MUCH better.... I will keep looking for something to allow better steady frame rates.
I have read about this problem on the PlayOnLinux forums many times. Never got a decent solution. When I played World of Tanks on my GeForce 550 Ti, I never had any frame rate problems.
It's weird. I used to play with something above bare mins, and it was pretty decent at 50fps. This time it jumps all over. 15-120fps. I wonder if Nvidia borked their driver set. I'll be SSoooooo glad when they finally release their code to our linux gurus and we can have a true native driver that works! I have heard it is coming.

Thanks again for all your help. If I find something I'll report back. I'm guessing your 550 has more horse power than my Gtx285.
Yeah probably. Even my 550 Ti is old in comparison to newer cards.
IF you have a desktop, look up the 750 Ti. It should be around $150.00 and really packs a punch without extra power.
Let me know if you find any solutions for the random frame rates
Well..... I have been looking high and low and even though I had not found anything of value, I decided to fire up WOT and try some things. Well, I'm back to what it has been doing since June. Showing disconnected. Will not log in. I am going to attach the debug file and see if anything jumps out at you. I made no changes, or updates from a few days ago. I compressed it since it would not accept .log as an extension. I did turn off the firewall just in case that was an issue. In the past I have specifically open ports it was complaining about. It just complains about new ports.. on and on.
Its strange because if this was a PlayOnLinux or wine problem there would be a lot of people posting on the PlayOnLinux forums. I don't see a lot of WoT posts at all.
So I'm leaning towards your system, drivers or libraries, but its so hard to confirm it.

Please don't attach zip files in the forum. Go ahead and just copy/past the debug here. Its good for searching purposes as well.
Sorry about the upload.... I tend to agree with you about the system, but it is kicking my butt

I'm feeling rather stupid, but I'm having a difficult time pasting the text in the body of the message. It gives me an error and says to enter a valid text message. I tried with code button above, and I tried the .
Oh strange, must be a character limit. You must have a HUGE log to paste.
Maybe paste it in a text editor first, then delete redundant lines that same the same thing 100 times
Another possible solution would be to make a copy of the log, and change the .log extension on the copy into .txt so you could upload it here.
I appears that it appends data, rather than creating a new log. I renamed the old one, and allowed it to create a new one. It is MUCH smaller, and I also deleted a bunch of duplicate data.

Well this time, I got a valid error code. Said it was too big. I'll try the .txt idea.


Yeah, that log is waaaaay too long. thousands of lines with redundant errors.
I tried to copy it and removed the duplicates, but its just taking too long.