So... the walking assemblies of psychiatric and personality disorders that seek to rule over us, and use power and money as weapons... they have to develop a concept of "enough"? And you call me the idealist?
You state that when a government becomes corrupted with worn out customs, so follows the revolution, but my original point was that government was founded in corruption, and corruption is its purpose. The revolutionary fighter might genuinely believe that he is good and noble, but the realpolitik of revolution is that implementing the new order isn't as simple as it seemed, and making it work requires that elements of the old order are preserved rather than replaced. The revolution replaces the sod on the top, but doesn't clear all the baked-on mud from the tyre's treads.
Anyway, because I'm interested, my question again: what is the point of a nation state?
To extend the thought experiment a little more: what do you think would really happen if we dissolved all international borders?
Last first then...As international borders exist only in our minds Only our minds need to change. What if our minds should change what then?...not much, we change our minds everyday. But will we...?
Someday, I have some degree of faith in this, We will walk away from all our devisions. We will still meet with opposition but opposition need not divide us.
Where does the nation state begin?
It begins with the family.
Then grows to encompass the clan.
The nation state is a natural development.We come together to achieve what cannot be achieve in any other way. This is the birthplace of nations. It has it's foundations in the family. That over time it becomes corrupted does not change why we came together in the beginning.
K. wrote:
"You state that when a government becomes corrupted with worn out customs, so follows the revolution, but my original point was that government was founded in corruption, and corruption is its purpose.."
Here we see things differently. There is nothing corrupt that did not have it's beginnings in the Good. If there were no good there would be nothing to corrupt. So Corruption can never be a purpose in itself. It must have something good before it can begin it's corrupting influence.
Let's look more closely at corruption. Let's use steal. Rust corrupts steal. Does it always corrupt steal?
Or only when steal is unprotected? What can prevent corruption in our social lives?
I would suggest that we find a preventive in adhering to what originally brought us together.
The needs of humanity. To meet these needs we set up a system of custom and laws. These regulate how we interact with one another.
Over time these laws come to be used by the few to oppress the many.
We need not change the world, only ourselves. We need only remember the brotherhood that brought us together. Need only remember we are family.
There are quarrels within the family. But love regulates the intercourse within the family so in time all quarrels are settled and we can continue in our progress.
Finally...There is EVIL in the world.
This must be combated at every turn. Evil seeks always to divide us with false claims and treachery. That there is evil in this world in no way negates the good men would seek to do.
.As there is good cause to join together, Mutual aid and common defense, we are always seeking to do so. As there are always differing points of view, the danger of conflict is always present. But conflict can and should be avoided. We need only strive to understand one another's needs in a just and equatable fashion.
It's my thought that this is at lest as much a matter of the heart as it is of the mind.
When our brothers ask of us we give, but when a stranger asks of us, we make of them a brother?
I also believe that humanity is not a matter that is to be settled all at once. I believe we settle these questions
one person at a time.
I believe that we are each settling these questions one by one, joy by joy and sorrow by sorrow.
When we make another our brother, we slay ten thousand enemies.
So one by one until the last man yields to the goodness he has been suppressing within him.
I use to think that one man could never really help another. But now I think I see a way that help might pass from one who is clear within to one who lives in confusion.
I see it in the way nature teaches nearly all it's young. Nature teaches us though example.
If a man rectifies himself and can bring himself to part with all that is false and low he becomes a shinning example to the people who look up to him and are encourage by his very existence to make such an effort themselves.
So in the end sacrifice alone has the power to help this world. We are all called to sacrifice what can
never lead to a good end. To give up what might harm another. To strive to know Divinity.
In the I Ching, in the commentaries it states that Whether or not the Divine has a God-head
( A persona, A personal identity a part from creation) was not an important question.
The Divinity of the Universe is seen as self proclaiming. But they go a bit further...
"That which is truly divine does not express itself on Earth apart from Holy men and the Sages Their words should be taken as the means by which men may elevate themselves."
"We cannot make them do it"
What we can do is strive within ourselves to follow the teachings of those who came before us.
Of those who looked up and saw so much more than just the Stars. They saw a path upon which Humanity must embark if we are ever to gain the Heavens by living in peace here on Earth.