It's white out there in the woods...

It's a learning process. Were all still figuring out what the 7500
Watts can do for us,
We tried! but getting caribou and moose to tune in remains problematic.

They got those great receiver horns and tune in stereo like nobody's business.

But so far have shown not the slightest interest in anything we have to say...

I think we need bigger generator. And maybe better broadcast laws.
How many inches of white stuff collected in your AO (Area of Operations. Sorry, olde Army talk) in the last two days, Dan?
We got 2 inches and it sure looked beautiful, amazingly quiet too.
How many inches of white stuff collected in your AO (Area of Operations. Sorry, olde Army talk) in the last two days, Dan?
We got 2 inches and it sure looked beautiful, amazingly quiet too.
We saw three or four inches. Enough to please without a really deep freeze.
Saw last night that Seattle set a record for snow fall last night, Still less than 3 inches here at 1750 feet.Stay warm George!
We're at roughly 250 ft MSL (250 ft above Mean Sea Level) at cloasters's abode here. We're supposed to get more low-land snow starting late Friday. Whichever, that good old Fraser River canyon up in B.C. is starting to make with that motha cold wind that it loves to do sometimes in the winter. B-baby it's cold outside and will be below freezing for even more days.
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What a coincidence! It's supposed to snow Here as well. ":O}
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We now have 14 inch stacks of snow on all our out door stuff, iron end tables and stands and the like.
The snow has change us. We now look like the wilderness that surrounds us.

Fore cast?

Snow for the next ten days. Alas it's a heavy snow, the kind that brings down power lines and kills internet connections. I actually rather surprised to still be in touch.

Do they make snow snorkels?
Snow is still falling but doesn't have so far to go as it did yesterday. We've got 3 feet of snow on the ground.
The heaviest snow I've ever had fall on me... I have to say I'm more than a little stoked! ":O}

man made things are slowly losing their shape and spreading out their foot prints on the land,

Meer bumps and mounds. Sound has vanished from the campgrounds. the trickle of cars passing 300 ft away has dwindled to nothingness. Even the birds seem to whisper.

several my fine neighbors shoveled snow all morning, breaking trail to our door.

Patti and our nearest neighbors stood around watching the snow "carefully every where descending" laughing to seen the moring's work buried.

I watch from my high perch at the front of our 5th wheel. I sit close to 7 feet up.

Smiling I try to deal with my guilt in taking such delight in what taxes my neighbors so.

Judging by the laughter I think they have forgiven me.

No one told me of the quite winter. The silence that lays upon the land like a language no longer spoken.
rich and full of meanings to deep to grasp and beyond our utterances.

The cold whiteness of the world in slumber dreaming of the new Spring.
When the voices of the birds are returned to them and they are given new songs

I am content that snow should fall. That the world should be still
I entered winter with aging bones.
That will try to reach another spring.
To hear the new songs, to burn incense and give thanks.

"The final strings of the human heart
can only be expressed by a stringiness Zither"

"And the voice of the turtle
shall be heard throughout the land."

(Turtles are mute.)

(Both are sayings from Chinese antiquity )

And yes it still falls and the mounds continue to grow.

I'll stay in touch as long as I can,":O}
Please do stay in touch. We had only a very slight addition of snow in Low Land ville. Mixed with rain now, ugh. More to freeze in the below freezing overnights forecast for a long time to come.
Amazing Daniel!
Living in the desert I rarely get to see snow like that.
I took my wife and two daughters up north last Dec and it snowed on us in Flagstaff.
It was awesome!
Cold but beautiful!
Amazing Daniel!
Living in the desert I rarely get to see snow like that.
I took my wife and two daughters up north last Dec and it snowed on us in Flagstaff.
It was awesome!
Cold but beautiful!
I'm right there with you Boo!
Grew up in San Diego...semi-desert clime.snow now 4 ft high throughout the camp. Snow falling more like rain now, but it is snow and accumulates. It has come down for24 hours straight. over 4 feet in 48 hours most of it in the last 24.
It's a fairyland today. Strange shapes where lawn furniture use to be. Chairs looking like giant gum drops.
Our full size park bench is taking a nap benithe snow so white it hurts the eyes to look at it, even without the Sun.
Bird feeders that have been ignored for the past year are now in gridlock that only allows each bird about 5 seconds before the shift change..

As paths are cleared it looks like dump trucks of snow on each side. and put the path that much lower as it mounds.

Oh wow The snow just change from looking and falling like rain to giant fluff flakes,

Even the river looks different surrounded by snow, but I believe the river to fast to freeze.

Time will tell.

I use to love the Desert...Then I realized I was hot all the time..LOL
We had a brief power outage a few days ago, only an hour or so. But we got the genny going and I found out that sometimes power does take out the internet as it goes.

So I really don't know what to expect, were one and one so far.

Were past 4 foot and the snow actually went on pause ...for a half hour. That was the first break in the snow machines seems to have pause once more.... nine more snow days to go.

Wait, my weather channel only looks ten days ahead and they are all marked snow.

This is a positively Midwest/East Coast experience...unless you grew up in central Oregon as Patti did.

But 24 F is rather warm in comparison.

Will some one tell me why We Americans wait for the dead of winter, the worst weather possible to pile into our cars to go see Grandma?

Here's a small consolation...Most of them make it,


Get hip cats Jesus lived like Boo in a desert!

There is no religious obligation that I know of to risk going to see Grand ma.
She would probably prefer you came in the summer when grandmas as a whole feel better.

I want all this damn running around to stop. Stay at home and learn to live with yourselfs.
I know no one has probably mentioned this But grand ma's generation used up all the running around this poor world can take.

Or wow! Why not let grandma come live with you?
What your not that close?

Then stop killing the world to go see if you can make it though the budding holocaust
to grandma's house.

I'm sorry but if we want the latest generation to have a chance we must cut back everywhere we can... and do this now.

Maybe I'm spending to much time talking to George!LOL)
Four feet of snow, plus? Now THAT is weather worth mentioning! The four INCHES we have here is very slowly becoming moth-eaten. I love looking at it, it reminds me of my childhood back East way back when. And the quiet it brings is a blessing indeed in the loud city.

The forecast is for freezing nights and barely above freezing and then up to 37F days. For ten more days, FINALLY we get a taste of real winter as they did and do in the Mid-West and the East coast.
Lost power in the early morning hours. Wasn't suppose to be back up until 6 pm, But got the juice by 3pm

Took my first walk in deep snow, well two steps and then I fell down, Strangest sensation as I threw my arms out to catch my self they instantly drove through snow. Unable to find a solid brace I flounder all over the place.

I'm amazed at how much work it is to move in snow that's lite and uncompacted

Camp ground payed to bring in a skip loader that instead of the usual bucket it had a snow shovel front end.
Took all day long to clear around a hindered and fifty yards of road that winds though our trailers,

It took our home work crew 3 hours to dig a badly (for this weather) placed trailer.

I have watch every episode of "Alaska the last frontier"

I never see "THEM" floundering in the snow, they make it look so easy.":O}
Yaar, those out in the wilderness Alaskans are something else. -40F =-40C. But it goes down to -60 in Alaska. Brrr, I'm turning on the heat!
Don't see much snow here, but have spent a lot of time in Finland and there's more than enough for everyone there.

The sea freezes over! You can drive a car across the sea to offshore islands.

When it snows a lot the winter workers can be clearing the snow from the roofs of older buildings 24/7 for days on end, on the same street, when the get to the end they have to go back to the first building and start over. That's using heavy plant not shovels.
Don't see much snow here, but have spent a lot of time in Finland and there's more than enough for everyone there.

The sea freezes over! You can drive a car across the sea to offshore islands.

When it snows a lot the winter workers can be clearing the snow from the roofs of older buildings 24/7 for days on end, on the same street, when the get to the end they have to go back to the first building and start over. That's using heavy plant not shovels.

Thank you Danrock for introducing a whole new level of COLD!

Spent yesterday watching folks dig out. There is now a four ditch around each trailer.
It let up last night and this morning. now it can't make up it' mind if it wants to snow or go for Blizzard.

Most can get out to the road maintained very well by the state (Cristal mountain skiing remember)

But that looks to change in a matter of hours.

We were able to send people out to fill propane tanks in Emenclaw.
Were all very aware of the forecast for the next ten days (Every day that passes they add another snow day on at the end..So it continues to be 10 days of snow.)

This IS the most snow the locals have seen in 15 years.

About half the park ventured out to resupply this morning...They should make it back before any serious accumulation

The camp as a whole is experiencing real fatigue. But this has really help cement relationships
We had to pull together to dig ourselves out. Pipes froze and had to be fixed in several trailers, so we fixed them.

The tops of fragile trailers had to be cleared of 4 foot of snow, dragging ladders, ropes and tarps and plywood to distribute our weight though 4 foot from trailer to trailer falls somewhat short of paradise.

Everything seems to take hours to accomplish. Have used our Genny twice with four trailers plugged in
Makes a huge difference when we have so much to do to have a functioning (power wise) trailer to retreat into.

Hardly any one leaves camp without asking two or three people if they need any thing.

I know who has batteries and who needs them. I know whose pipes froze because ours didn't (heat wrapped)
So Patti filled and delivered though the snow two gallon plastic containers of water. Two to each of 4 trailers.

I know who has what tools and probably who they have lent them to and why.
I make no effort to know these things I absorb them just by living here.

So far no ice in the river. probably won't be. I have never seen ice in a river.

It's probably my age...But I think it would be very hard for me to get in a car and drive across the ocean...but how could I say no? LOL