George, open a terminal and type
then 'enter'. [that's a hyphen]
Then, see if you can get a root prompt there by typing your password.
Can you not copy/paste the contents of your terminals?
You can redact the sensitive information if you want. It should look something like this:
thunderrd@Q6600:~$ su -
root@Q6600: ~#
Also, please show me what is failing. What command are you issuing after the 'sudo' command? 'sudo' is not a standalone command. It needs to be followed by a command issued with proper syntax for that command.
For example, you type 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -s' and the system asks for your password. You don't type 'sudo' and enter. That is for 'su' as I have shown you above. 'su' will show me if you can get elevated privileges in the terminal itself, without a command being issued.
I'll check, but I also believe you have to have your user in the 'wheel' group to use elevated privs, and I don't see you there with the groups command. Let's see if you have an existing 'wheel' group. Please type
and show me the output?