No login possible after sudo in Mint

OK, sounds like you're back in bid'nez, m'man.

Start a new thread if anything else comes up.
sorry to be so slow in responding...I went a bridge to far and ended up far from home and soaking wet!
Right back down to a SSD drive and a disk...remember, my reminding you George that you can't really lose what Mint gives you, just the time it takes you to receive it!":O}

Boy Mint 17.3 is the real deal!
It's grown and improved way past my most hopeful expectations. The best part is that mint seems always heading exactly where Dan Dan wants them to go!":O
Back to the biznez on hand!
Checking Auto login gives you auto login and UN-checking it greets you with a login screen your very next boot... Just in time to remind you why Dan has spent days of Gizmo's time trying to get that little thing done... but that's behind us not...yeah right! ":O}!

I got pictures!
...Any you kids what to see some pictures of Rosa as she greets you at the door...A.K.A login screen?
Hola Rosa! Screenshot from 2016-03-29 02:17:12.png Screenshot from 2016-03-29 02:17:12.png Screenshot from 2016-03-29 02:17:12.png Screenshot from 2016-03-29 02:34:54.png Screenshot from 2016-03-29 02:16:12.png

George you can reach a graphic interface that I think will ...wel,l get you the hell out of dodge and into the land of cut and paste and click and shoot... where a man can still take pride in his inability to type worth a rats ass! ":O}

as every crafty hunter knows a cat can be disrobed any any number of rather unpleasant and awkward approaches.
I've chosen two of the less controversial, to present to you in flower and song!

No your ears aren't ringing, that's the song part!

You can reach this storied place by way of the main menu's where craft comes into play...
You can reach it by way of another app in main menu called "system settings.' want another pic?
Of course you do, we all do!!

These should look familiar to you by now...
It gets lots easier as you go George, it's really just a matter of finding the right people to annoy!
I can tell from personal experience these people are really worth annoying!!


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So are you guys learning more about Linux with all of this?

This is the exact same way I learned... trial-n-error, break it and fix it, research research. :cool:
Far from home and soaking wet sounds not so great for you, good sir.
Thank you Daniel~, getting to the right place "windowishly" rather than Command Line-ishly is easier than I thought. Thank you very much! I agree that Mint 17.3 is the cat's meow.
Gosh booman, I'm probably too afraid of breaking things. In days far in the past breaking Linux very often meant wiping and re-installing Linux hundreds of times. I often learned nothing new by having to do this. Color me far too used to Win7, which literally nearly never ever went wrong. Before Bill got super, dooper greedy and underhanded with the latest little shop of horrors that is Win10 I shamefully left Linux alone. I know, me so bad!

I'm still easing into Linux because I forgot many, many more things about it than I remember. Happy to say I remember
what "ls," "mv," "sudo" and a very few more commands mean.

I must thank you all very much one more time, you are amazingly helpful!