Red Cliff


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I finished my fourth viewing.a short while a go.
.It's based upon one of China's historic battles.
One of the top ten movies of my life.

. John Woo directs and his love for China and her history, His awe of their achievements is always apparent. I really like most of Mr. Woo pictures... But this...this is something completely different.

A work of homage to the past.

It's available on netflix

I started watching it again myself. Netflix now has the" Theatrical Version"..

."The Directors Cut" is way way better ...I would say worth waiting for.
I ordered the international version from Amazon. Couldn't find a director's cut copy. Hope the one I get is the better version. Fingers are crossed. Thank you for the info.
Please do say how you liked it. My entire career as a movie critic rides on you saying nice things about me and my movie! ":O}

P.S. I truly envy you that first viewing...I think you will meet people (in charter and as actors and actresses) Who will stay with you and lend you their strength for the rest of your life...

It does borrow much of the story line and even some of the dialog from Teen age ninja turtles.
but feathers in many of the subtle plot twists viewers first encountered in films like Dirty Harry and
any of the Charles Bronson masterworks.

You know now that I've thought about it I still haven't decided why MR. Woo would use the Beach Boys Music almost exclusively though out the first half of the movie, then for no apparent reason play"The Macarena"
During all the remaining and also repetitive torture scenes.

In the end I came away feeling as If I had witnessed the First Bruce Lee Opera For mutes.
Oh and I cried a lot at the end ...I don't know if I was Supposed to do that, so if you don't it probably just means
your not as in touch with your inner feelings as some.
Aw shucks, I often cry when the subject matter leans toward the kind of emotion that calls for it. Of course I resist the urge as any manly man does. More men than women cry when watching movies. It's said that women are more practical with their emotions. I think the version I ordered is more than four hours long, maybe I should stock up on TP?
Delivered today. The two DVD's have a lot of extra material on them. The fine print says that I have the unrated version--which is different than the R rated theatrical version. Maybe I have the "director's cut? Here's hoping!
In any case the jaw dropping beauty of a world gone by will transport you, I promise":O}
Would the beginning be to commonplace for you? LOL Your going to have BIG FUN!
My copy says "Original International Version," and "Part 1 & Part 2." Followed by "Destiny Lies In The Wind." Hope this is the best version.
Sorry can't say which is best. I've seen two the Theatrical and the Directors cut.
Substantially the same but I prefer Mr. Woo's cut. I saw them both on Netflix. But it seems they only offer one version at a time.
So is "Destiny Lies In The Wind." Part two of Red Cliff?