Red Cliff

Actually, I don't know. When I saw you recommend Red Cliff I looked it up and found the 2 films (parts?)
I did that nasty p2p thing and will likely view this evening ;)
I didn't get to watch last night, it is almost a 5 hr watch. is a lil' info I've culled regarding some half of the 2 films runtime being cut to form the western release.

Running times:
IV = 02:23:00 (02:17:11 w/o ending credits)
HK Part 1 = 02:25:23 (02:18:18 w/o ending credits)
HK Part 2 = 02:21:23 (02:16:28 w/o ending credits)

Additional info:
Running time of the IV until the end of Part 1 = 00:59:54
Running time of the IV until the end of Part 2 = 01:17:17

Used Abbreviations:
HK = Hongkong Version
IV = International Version
The run time of Red Cliff is around 2 to 2 half hours. So you must have more that I've not seen.
This maybe a matter of One being in Chinese and one being dubbed?
Ack!!!! Can't edit me post.....

Anyhoo, here is what I found regarding the "why"s and "wherefore"s :

This movie had been divided in two parts for the theatrical release in the Asian market. The American release will be the condensed version of these two parts. The reason given was that the Asian viewers are more familiar with the characters and their exploits while the western viewers might be confused with the numerous characters and their similar names (therefore keeping it simple for the US market).
They have a point. The charters can be hard to keep track of the first viewing.
So you know who you will lend your copy to first right? ":O}

To think...a more complete masterpiece awaits me!! ":O}
Let me know when the new starts to wear off it...I wouldn't want you to miss it while it's visiting with me.
I know Patti will want to see it. I'll pay to mail/ship/whatever Patti wants to do. She as busy as I am....let just say un-scheduled...":O}
There are just so many moments...Ah! I know!
Hexagram 55 Abundance.
"Abundance means many occasions. Occasions for care and for sorrow.
Abundance at it's peak cannot last. The sage might well be saddened by this law of increase and decrease. But such thoughts are not in keeping with the time of abundance. He must put all such thoughts aside and enjoy a time of abundance while it lasts.
Red Cliff has a rare abundance. Images you see and simply can't forget. Abundance enriches.
Actually, I don't know. When I saw you recommend Red Cliff I looked it up and found the 2 films (parts?)
I did that nasty p2p thing and will likely view this evening ;)
Enjoy. I really have nothing better to offer a friend. ":O}
I found that in time I moved from wow into "Oh my God" territory! ":O}
very happy you enjoyed it! ":O}
I just found out I can rent it though Amazon downloads....Just need to carve out 5 or 6 hours when Patti can sit still
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What a little war monger you are today! May God Bless Admirals Halsy and Yamamoto
they did our bidding.