The Official GoL UT99 Server!


New Member
Yep. It's real, boys. I finally decided to get Gizmo (my dad) to set me up with an account on the server so that I can do this.

We now officially have our own Unreal Tournament 1999 server.

Note: The server is NOT 24/7. If you want to have a tournament, leave a comment on this post and it will be taken care of.

Required setting changes:
Under [Network]: Change "Internet Connection" to "Cable, xDSL."
Otherwise you'll be limited to ~40 FPS.​
Under [Video]: Change "Font Size" to "Normal."
Although on higher resolution screens (cough cough 1080p) the text becomes difficult to read, without this change the map vote menu won't fit on the screen.​

Important Information:
Ultimate Map Vote v2:
Sweet UI for changing maps at the end of a round. Top four and bottom-left two are default game modes. bottom right is InstaGib Last Man Standing (hence ILMS).
If you want to call a map vote or vote kick, open the console (~ by default) and enter "mutate bdbmapvote votemenu". You can then make whatever vote you want from there.
If you're in the vote menu, going to the [Info/Bind] tab will allow you to set a keybind for bringing up the menu (there's an empty field at the bottom).​
Server is 24/7. Hop on whenever you like; map resets to default rotation after a period of inactivity.
Server defaults to having 2 (two) bots, so that you'll have someone to spar while you wait for a friend to join.

ZeroPingPlus: Basic lag comp for a two-decade-old game. Basically, it makes it to where instead of having to LEAD YOUR TARGET with hitscan weapons (impact hammer, enforcer, shock rifle, minigun, and instagib) because they have a BAJILLION PING, you can click right on their STUPID FACE and LAUGH AT THEIR GIBS.
Now that that's out of the way, the server's in the list as "Official GoL UT99 Server." You can also connect to it directly as ``.

Happy fragging!
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Dad? Gizmo is your Dad? That is awesome!

So I have to get a copy of Unreal 99 and join in.

Knowing me, I'll probably run it in PlayOnLinux instead of native.
I'll have to find my CD ROM and re-install.
Aye, I connect using GOTY just fine. Near as I can tell the only difference between '99 and GOTY is that the latter has more maps (which I can add to the server and then anyone without GOTY will just download them when they connect).
I was able to join the server tonight. When do you all want to do a match?
Tony has posted a poll in another thread. You can vote there. We may have some of his friends joining us as well. 3:)
So after screwing around with the server, I think I finally have it fixed up and truly ready to go.

After the insanity of the Memorial Day "Let's Pretend It's WW3" Tournament (and the fact that bots weren't spawning properly), I decided to kick NewNet out of the server. However, that would have left us with an utterly useless piece of garbage, because without lag compensation UT 99 is pretty much unplayable. So, instead, I went and got a copy of ZeroPingPlus and installed it, which does exactly what it says on the tin: your hitscan weapons won't miss because the server will actually be able to figure out where your target was when you fired.

In other news, the server is now equipped with all four Bonus Packs, which should bring it up to speed with UT GOTY (the only difference between '99 and GOTY is that GOTY comes with all of the bonus packs installed). So there's that.
Very nice!
So that is what was happening?
Sometimes I felt like I walked around a corner and was shot in the face before I could even react...
And... it didn't help that it was the first time I've played Unreal Tournament in deathmatch online.
Ha ha
Yeah, for some reason NewNet was spawning us with every single weapon, which lead to situations like that. Admittedly, I prefer InstaGib because it means that even after you die you're right back where you were instead of having to collect weapons again, but spawning everyone with Redeemers... not a great idea.
For those who are wondering, the server is no longer 24/7, simply because nobody's really using it (and I can't say I blame you).

From now on, please leave a comment here if you want to recommend a date for a Tournament, and I'll fire up the server accordingly.
No problem. Its hard to get gamers to unite under an older classic title all at the same time.
But it was fun when we did an hour of fragging.
I noticed there were a few hundred servers running as well... so lots of competition if you want the public to join in.
I'm not a huge frag-fest fan, I like co-op game where we help eachother frag off enemies.

It was a nice test and probably fun to set it up. Not just anyone can set up public hosting and configure a game to run 24/7
I've mostly hosted local servers for my Game Nights and there is still a LOT of preparation. I miss doing it, but these days my PCs are fast enough to just host on one of them as a listen server. They can handle the load and play the game.

Thanks for your help!
Of course! And like I said, I can still load it up anytime we decide to have another frag fest.

Meanwhile, I made a post talking about opening up a Minecraft server. As I say there, I'm leaning towards FTB Infinity Lite to make it a modded server, which has the added benefit that barely anyone has an Infinity Lite server running anymore.

It would definitely lend the more cooperative feeling you're looking for, though, so there's that.
Cool, I'll let you know when I do another game event.
Maybe we could do a team match with bots or something?

Unfortunately I never hopped on the Minecraft wagon. I do have Minetest and play that with my daughters. They LOVE it!
And its totally free. Plays on LAN perfectly.