Where is everybody?


Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming
Staff member
The forum has been silent for a few days... I was wondering if you all are busy playing games, working, etc?
In my case testing various titles in wine:

*assassins creed brotherhood multiplayer
*another world 20th anniversary
*clive barker undying
*conflict desert storm 2
*collin mac rally 03
*collin mac rally 04
*collin mac rae 2005
*dead rising 2
*deep hunter 1
*deep hunter 2
*final fantasy XIII
*rise of nations
*shark tale
*snes9x 1.53
*sonic dx
*splinter cell pandora tomorrow
*test drive unlimited 2
*the punisher
*true crime new york
*true crime streets of la
*war of the ring
*zootycoon 2

and now uploading videos

and others recently tested like as jurassic park operation genesis

I've been on and off. I'm back to using Linux as my main OS for now... I just couldn't feel comfortable using Windows, once you know the flexibility it feels like you aren't allowed to play with your toys.

Coming back and using my Kubuntu desktop? It feels great!
Yeah exactly, Window$ for work Linux for play ;)
Great to have you back Allen!

MrDeathJr - Wow, you have been keeping busy! I think you test more games than I do!
Where the heck did you get Jurassic Park Operation Genesis? I really want that game and its really expensive on Amazon.
I'm still playing on Windows, sadly. The directX plugin in PCSX2 (playstation 2) emulator is more mature than the work they have done in linux. Moreover Dolphin (Wii emulator) keeps crashing constantly on my linux box and it mostly has to do with the GUI. (There were also a few problems with the new compiler I think)

Anyhow, it seems you guys need more linux articles out there. I've been thinking of writing a long one for a while regarding linux gaming.

May I ask you how do you use Wine?

Do you install your games on separate prefixis?
What about regressions, I mean if a game was working with an older version of Wine and with the latest update doesn't work anymore, how are you able to fix it, do you go back to the older Wine? And in this case, what happens to the games that need the latest version to work?

Great work by the way, I have been following you writing here, on Phoronix and of course I have been watching your Youtube channel.
Yeah exactly, Window$ for work Linux for play ;)
Great to have you back Allen!

MrDeathJr - Wow, you have been keeping busy! I think you test more games than I do!
Where the heck did you get Jurassic Park Operation Genesis? I really want that game and its really expensive on Amazon.

This game i have it some time ago


May I ask you how do you use Wine?

Do you install your games on separate prefixis?
What about regressions, I mean if a game was working with an older version of Wine and with the latest update doesn't work anymore, how are you able to fix it, do you go back to the older Wine? And in this case, what happens to the games that need the latest version to work?

Great work by the way, I have been following you writing here, on Phoronix and of course I have been watching your Youtube channel.

In my case use vanilla wine only (for send bugs and for personal preference)

No i use same prefix for all games (i prefer this mode) but as you commented various titles can be affected for regresions for example flickering bug (this affect WRC 1 - WRC 2 - WRC 3 - WRC 4 - Dark Souls - Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 until pro Evolution Soccer 2013, *Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 dont be affected for this)

In my case only uninstall actual version and install another version (in my case use compiled vanilla version)

For now i have compiled lastest wine 1.7.30, wine 1.7.28 (this will be deleted this days for wine 1.7.30 correct vsync errors in wine 1.7.29) and wine 1.7.13 (lastest version when works WRC game series and other titles affected for flickering bug)

Thanks, in my case make this channel for anyone want how runs wine in entry level nvidia card with large times, at least give a idea about wine behavior in large times

Thank you for the quick reply but now I have a couple of follow up questions.

What do you mean when you say you have compiled wine 1.7.30, 1.7.28 and 1.7.13? Are all of these versions installed on your system at the same time? I know it is possible to do that, but IMHO PlayOnLinux does this job better:).

Furthermore, as I wrote on one of my very first posts on this forum, years ago Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare worked very well with a very old (pre 1.0) version of Wine: I upgraded Wine with a new Ubuntu and at that point, no matter what version of Wine I was using, I always had very annoying graphical glitches.

I was only able to get that game working again with PlayOnLinux Wine version 1.2.

Would you be able to do just that using vanilla Wine? Thanks.
Thank you for the quick reply but now I have a couple of follow up questions.

What do you mean when you say you have compiled wine 1.7.30, 1.7.28 and 1.7.13? Are all of these versions installed on your system at the same time? I know it is possible to do that, but IMHO PlayOnLinux does this job better:).

Furthermore, as I wrote on one of my very first posts on this forum, years ago Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare worked very well with a very old (pre 1.0) version of Wine: I upgraded Wine with a new Ubuntu and at that point, no matter what version of Wine I was using, I always had very annoying graphical glitches.

I was only able to get that game working again with PlayOnLinux Wine version 1.2.

Would you be able to do just that using vanilla Wine? Thanks.

Yes i have this wine vanilla version compiled but not installed at same time (i use one prefix) for now i have installed wine 1.7.30 but if want try wine 1.7.28 or wine 1.7.13 only needs uninstall in wine current version (sudo make uninstall) and install wine desired (compiled previously)

Call of duty 4 works good and test some time ago

However works in singleplayer but in multiplayer dont work (punkbuster problem), also this game is suppossed affected for CSMT when stay ready

Wow, that is a lot of work MrDeathJr! Do you still report your results to Wine Devs?
Or do you do all of this independently?
Wow, that is a lot of work MrDeathJr! Do you still report your results to Wine Devs?
Or do you do all of this independently?


Yes I reporting in bugzilla and give results, thanks to this vsync bug (wine 1.7.29) in need for speed hot pursuit 2010 as corrected in 1.7.30

And now have reported winsock 2 error in james bond quantum of solace, and incorrect rendering in saint row the third

Report issues only needs add some questions like as

component: normally use unknown if you dont know exactly where stay problem

version: you must select wine version when you have problem

summary: short title describe problem

description: in this fiels you can put detailed description about problem

attachment: in this field you can put backtrace application, screenshots about problem and others

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You are a great asset to Wine and Linux gaming!
Thank you for your hard work!
I've been busy with work & a game convention where the shop where I work had a stand, and now I have a flu.
Game Group? What are you guys working on?

UGH, the flu sucks! Thank God my family has been well for months now. We haven't been sick since last spring.
I work at a computer store with a workshop. We had a custom computer out for show, and Oculus Rift dev kit 2 with Outlast.




There is actually two computers in that table. The one on the left has 3x980 cards clocked from 1200ish mhz clock speed to over 1500 mhz. Don't remember if it had 12 or 16 GB ram, but it's clocked to 2700ish mhz. It has an 8 core i7 cpu, one of the latest i7 models, 4,7 Ghz clocked.

The 3 bottom screens is for the first computer, and the 3 on top for the second computer. The 3 at the bottom has g sync.
The forum has been silent for a few days... I was wondering if you all are busy playing games, working, etc?

Work, studying for Linux and Cisco certs. Play a little to wind down every now and then. Most of my non-study free time right now is getting ready for my table-top game.
Are you making your own tabletop game?
I'm not into tabletop games, but when I do LAN parties, I have a bunch of friends who bring their tabletop games and play them while the rest of us play video games.